Germany Westerwelle Gay

Guido Westerwelle, Germany’s newly married gay foreign minister, is an inexperienced “wild card” with an “exuberant personality” that prevents him from being trusted, according to a March 2009 cable that dropped among Wikileaks’ treasure trove of 250,000 supposedly private intelligence communications. So that’s sort of awkward.

While Sec. of State Hillary Clinton believes the United States can recover from the way American operatives around the globe described foreign leaders in messages they thought would never go public, I’m not sure how, exactly, you mitigate saying Westerwelle (seen here with husband Michael Mronz) “had been the single biggest obstacle to the government seeking a bigger increase in German troops for Afghanistan,” and not the opposition Social Democratic Party,” as a February 2010 cable said.

Because that sort of sounds personal!

Westerwelle’s boss, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, wasn’t excluded from the cables’ remarks; she was dubbed a “teflon” politico and described as a “circumspect ally” in the months before the country’s September 2009 elections.

At least there are no records of the State Department calling Westerwelle a girly man? Because my my, Clinton would have to update that It Gets Better video, and girl is bizzay these days.

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