Bob Marshall, the Virginia state delegate who reacted to the repeal of DADT by demanding the Virginia National Guard pass its own anti-gay policy, doesn’t want to ban all homosexuals from serving in the Guard, he tells Fox News’ Steve Doocy. Just “active homosexuals,” because after all, this is the way “the United States [has been doing things] for 232 years and [has been] the moral assumption for the last 6,000 years [Ed: As old as Planet Earth!], so when Congress decided to change this on the weekend when they’re in lame duck session, when they’ve been repudiated by the voters and on a bill that dealt with the Small Business Administration and allowed no amendments except this, that’s a problem.” No, what’s a problem is when even your Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell, who can’t stand gays either, doesn’t even support your crazytown plan. [via]

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