washingtonblade1Since this is one of those annoying media infighting things that you don’t really care about, we’ll be quick. Washington Blade editor Kevin Naff has an angry blog up about Queerty‘s article last week about the bloggers behind the site “Who Murdered Robert Wone?”. Naff’s post, titled, “Queerty points fingers in Wone killing“, accuses us of saying ” the media of being “asleep at the wheel.” Now, we have lots of opinions at Queerty, but this is not one of them, which Naff would have known had he bothered to, you know, read the article before writing up his post. Sheesh, bloggers.

The full quote, from the original story is:

“It’s a story that has all the makings of a major Washington scandal, but, according to four amateur gay sleuths who’ve made it their mission to find out who killed Robert Wone, the media’s been asleep at the wheel.”

Alas, we are not four amateur gay sleuths, we were just reporting what our subjects were saying. Now, we express lots of opinions on Queerty, but it’s pretty clear in the article we’re not editorializing, but reporting on the opinions of the people we are talking to. Again, from the article:

“When it comes to gay media coverage, they believe that the gay press is simply not equipped to handle a story of this size. “While the [Washington] Blade has done coverage,” they note, “they have limited resources and can only cover so many stories.”

We give a lot of opinions at Queerty, but the one Kevin’s railing against is not one we have,
nor one we’ve expressed. One thing troubles us, though. Kevin asks of us (and the bloggers we wrote about), “Where were Queerty and these well-meaning bloggers two years ago when intense public scrutiny might have caused one of the roommates to really open up?”

Kevin, as your rightly point out, we’re a blog. We’re a blog that does some original reporting, making us different from your usual, “Hey, here’s a story we saw online!” sites, but for the most part, we don’t have the resources you have, nor do we pretend to. Are you really so insecure in your own coverage that an article about four amateur detectives looking for new information about the Wone murder sends you off the rails? The piece wasn’t even really about the media “being asleep at the wheel”, but rather about these guys who were brought together by a need to get to the truth at the heart of a grisly murder.

If you’re going to be so thin-skinned, maybe you should stick to journalism (which, if you really want our two cents, we think the Washington Blade does splendidly) and leave the blogging to us.

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