Members of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles will have some unwelcome guests when they perform in Lawrence, Kansas, tonight: Members of the Westboro Baptist Church have promised to picket outside the Lied Center, where the chorus will perform in the latest stop of their “It Gets Better” tour.

Head WBC nutjob Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted:

Westboro to picket The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles #ItGetsBetter
LIE #HellIsNOTBetter 2/16 @ 7:30pm KU Lied Center @ItGetsBetter @GMCLA”

Another church member tweeted images of the poster he plans to carry outside the theater (right).

The show is a performative response to the bullying epidemic, with GMCLA joined by local choirs, with video and text projections from the archive of the It Gets Better campaign.

We expect the mouthbreathers of WBC will face some local resistance: Lawrence is the only city in Kansas that passed legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity—and it’s in the only county in the state to reject a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and civil unions.




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