Pope Francis

Oops! The Holy See did it again.

Pope Francis has been accused of using an Italian anti-gay slur, just weeks after he was previously caught saying the same word and forced the Vatican to have to somewhat apologize for the offensive remark.

According to the Italian news service ANSA, the 87-year-old head of the Catholic church used the term “frociaggine” on Tuesday while telling priests that gay men should be welcomed to the church, but not allowed in seminaries. Too late, gurl!

“Frociaggine” roughly translates in English to “f*****ness.”

Last month, Pope Francis allegedly used the vulgar phrase – that has since been appropriated into THEE tagline of Hot Gay Summer – during a closed-door meeting with bishops on May 20.

In the aftermath, the Vatican issued a rare apology to “those who were offended.”

“The pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who were offended by the use of a term, reported by others,” Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said in a statement.

Some bishops tried to give Pope Francis a pass since he is Argentinian (but of Italian descent) and may not have been aware that the word is a considered abhorrent in Italian.

Regardless, his use of the slur came as a shock to some since he’s been credited with being more tolerant of the LGBTQ+ community than past popes.

However, despite making disparaging homophobic remarks and not wanting gays in the priesthood, Pope Francis has no problem with a queer tattoo-clad muscle daddy checking his inseam. Praise be!

Meet Filippo Sorcinelli, the gay fashion designer who has been making sacred vestments for cardinals, bishops and the pope for more than 20 years.

Lawd have mercy!

Through his Lavs Atelier in Rome, Sorcinelli has made sure Vatican City’s holiest are always looking snatched by outfitting them in luxurious stoles, robes and intricate headgear. He’s designed more than 20 sickening fits for Pope Francis and about 50 for his predecessor, the late Pope Benedict.

Robes for the Catholic A-list are embroidered by hand and can take Sorcinelli up to 1000 hours to finish. And they are not cheap. The ornate gowns can run upwards of $7500.

Conclave eleganza!

But Sorcinelli doesn’t just make his coins sewing frocks for the papacy. Right next to the priest boutique he has a side hustle running a perfume shop that is not exactly intended for men of the cloth.

Sorcinelli makes a slew of luxurious scents and beauty products, but a bulk cater specifically to gay men with names like Slightly Bitch, Popper Pop, Cruising Area, and Cyber Sex.

*deep inhale*

When questioned if he saw a contradiction between his sexual orientation and designing for a faith-based clientele, Sorcinelli offered this explanation.

“Caravaggio, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and many other artists have shown us that the creation of beauty overcomes all,” he told DW News, “so the Church does not pass judgment.” Except when they do.

Sorcinelli has not commented on Pope Francis’ gross remarks against the gay community, but he’s probably not that surprised considering he started his business being fully aware of where the Catholic church stands on homosexuality.

While we’re not holding our breath for Pope Francis (never mind the Church) to become a true LGBTQ+ advocate, here’s hoping Sorcinelli keeps bringing all the “frociaggine” vibes to the Vatican.

Get to know Sorcinelli a little better with a few more shots from his daddylicious Instagram page below:

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