Even before he signed the (possibility to) repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, queers loved Barack Obama more than the general public, according to Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, which found 64 percent of gays approving of Obama’s presidential performance back in October. As for gays who felt the country was headed in the “right direction,” 46 percent of respondents thought so, while just 30 percent of the general population did. But if gays approving of Obama’s do-nothing approach to LGBT equality doesn’t scare you, how and why the data was released should. The Huffington Post‘s Sam Stein relays the “poll numbers, which had not been previously released, were sent to The Huffington Post on the condition that the full survey not be published. The high-ranking LBGT operative who passed the numbers along cited them as evidence that the gay community was not disaffected with the president prior to November’s midterm elections and that they would not lose patience with Obama even if he fails to persuade Congress to move major agenda items in the years ahead.” Which translates as this: A top member of Gay Inc., or one of its sympathizers, is attempting to convince America and the pundit class that even if Obama did nothing for LGBTs, we’d still have his back. That is, the very people responsible for pressuring the Obama administration into advancing equality efforts is working diligently to show that even if he fails to do so, he can still count on the gay vote. Which, if these poll numbers are to be believed, could be true. But shouldn’t “high-ranking LBGT operatives” be working to show that unless Obama works for the gays, he cannot count on our votes? And should LGBT Americans be willing to say as much?

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