Because Kenny boy hates him some fags just like Westboro, that’s why! The state attorneys general for almost every state and Washington D.C. filed an amicus brief supporting Albert Snyder in his Supreme Court lawsuit against the Westboro Baptist Church, which protested the military burial of Albert’s son Cpl. Matthew Snyder, a move that coincides with even Bill O’Reilly’s rational thinking. But missing from the list are Maine’s AG Janet Mills and Virginia’s Kenneth Cuccinelli.

Mills’ office says she didn’t join the Snyder v. Phelps brief because she regularly avoids taking sides in civil cases. And while Cuccinelli’s office has some statement about how existing laws are good enough to punish unruly protesters exploiting the First Amendment, let’s remind ourselves what kind of person Cuccinelli is.

Westboro Baptist Church, led by Fred Phelps, is regularly on the scene at military funerals and, ahem, proms. Their “faggot” signs are iconic. And we wouldn’t be surprised to see Mr. Cuccinelli waving one around. After all, this man believes “homosexual acts are wrong.” And: “They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that.”

That’s why he refused to support anti-discrimination measures based on sexuality. And it fits completely with Westboro’s mentality about not wanting to be punished for saying the wrong thing. Which is a reasonable request, under the First Amendment. But that’s not what’s being asked of Cuccinelli. And it’s not earning him friends at home.

State Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s decision not to get involved in a legal battle between the family of a deceased Marine and a controversial, fundamentalist church is inexcusable, according to Del. Ward Armstrong. Armstrong, D-Collinsville and House minority leader, said Wednesday that he does not know what Cuccinelli’s motives were, and he does not care. He said that Cuccinelli’s decision amounted to “not sticking up for” families that have tragically lost members, and that is “just beyond me.” “It is inexcusable to stand by and call something vile and not (try to) do something about it,” Armstrong added.

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