Revised estimates of the 2010 Census report 131,729 same-sex married couple households and 514,735 same-sex unmarried partner households in the United States. But researchers say that these numbers could be off by as much as 15 percent. What gives?

The Sacramento Bee explains:

“… researchers believe the new estimate could be as much as 15 percent lower than the actual number of gay couples in the U.S. because of social stigma, discrimination or other concerns about confidentiality. In a small number of cases, younger gay couples also may not have been counted in the census if they were “doubling up” in a home where neither was the head of household…

Still, because the census forms do not ask about sexual orientation, some activists have complained that single gays—as opposed to those with live-in spouses and partners—have no means of gaining collective representation through the census.”

It’s at least good to know the number of the same-sex couples who feel safe enough to declare their unions. Now only if they would stop hounding us for wedding gifts.

Image via jennaddenda

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