pat_robertson_earthquake_in_haiti1When we’re not being possessed by “fart demons,” according to pastor Bert Farias, or “freely praying on little children sexually,” according to Michele Bachmann, gay people are demanding sex and threatening Christian’s homes and livelihoods.

At least that’s what dinosaur Pat Robertson says.

The 700 Club host warned viewers viewers that if they’re not careful, gay people will drive them all out of town. But not before insisting they have “open sex.”

“What the gays are saying is, ‘We’re going to drive you out of town. You conform to us or you must leave,’ ” Robertson said.

He continued: “It’s the same message that was put out in Sodom and Gomorroh: ‘You’re either going to have sex with angels or have open sex with anybody or else you leave, or you go out of business.’ ”

Robertson is right about one thing. Publicly proclaiming one’s homophobia can damage their business. Just ask Aaron and Melissa Klein, the Oregon bakers who told two lesbians looking to buy a wedding cake that they were an  “abomination unto the Lord” and had to close up shop after all the bad PR they received.

But as far as his bizarre “open sex” claim, we’re not sure what the hell he’s talking about. Studies have found that engaging in casual sex can actually improve a person’s mental health. If anyone could benefit from some “open sex,” it’s Pat Robertson himself.

See ol’ PatRo spew his nonsense in the clip below.

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