The Queerty Interview

Don’t Call Porn Star-Turned-Twitteractive Rapper Chris Porter a Twink

Chris Porter is not only the porn industry’s manboy du jour. He was just named Naked Sword’s social media marketing manager. The also aspiring rapper spoke to Queerty Editor Oscar Raymundo about Tweeting sex antics, making his hunky boyfriend (fellow porn star Samuel Colt) jealous and why this year he has decided to bulk out of twinkdom. How did the Naked Sword marketing gig come about? I was working at Raging Stallion, and sister company Naked Sword saw that I was very good at promoting myself, as well as the studio via Twitter and Facebook. I would be on set posting behind-the-scenes pics and people really liked that. What are your day-to-day responsibilities as social media marketing manager? Talking to the fans, as well as promoting new content on our site and trying to make repetition interesting for people. People don’t want to be told to buy something that they know nothing about and is promoted the same way as every other release. I tell people what is worth watching and what is worth buying and why. How do you balance your “day” job as social manager with your “night” job as porn twink extraordinaire? I wouldn’t call myself a twink. I haven’t been asked to do a twink movie in a year! Since I put on more muscle. But to answer your question, it’s not that hard to separate. The only thing that can be a problem is having to take time off from my day job to do appearances. Some studios now have it in their contracts that models need to develop a social media presence. Is that the case at Naked Sword? I know that Next Door and Titan make profiles for their models, and they are run by the company. No one wants to follow the ones run by the companies, though. For example, Next Door made an account for Mason Wyler and the Tweets are only about what scenes of his are now out. That account has 417 followers. Then Mason Wyler made his own account where he actually discusses other things. That account has over 5,000 followers. You must have a lot of guys coming on to you on Twitter and Facebook. Does it make your boyfriend jealous? He doesn’t get jealous very often. Oddly, I get mad instead sometimes [Laughs]. Like, if some guy knows I have a boyfriend and wants to hook up but doesn’t ask if the two of us want to meet up, I feel like it’s disrespecting my boyfriend so I get upset. But Samuel doesn’t care because he knows I love him. Have you come across fake Chris Porter profiles online? All the time! It’s gotten so out of hand that I can’t even really do anything about it anymore. If I report them they just make a new ones. So I gave up. Porn stars used to be unattainable. Now fans can poke you… on Facebook. Any benefits to humanizing you guys this way? It definitely helps build a brand and create a following. People want personality from the performers. Some viewers don’t give a shit what we think or what we do, but a lot do. For some performers, though, it can be bad because it just lets everyone see how much of a mess they really are. I love connecting with my fans, the people that spend their hard-earned money on videos of me. The very least I can do is thank them and hear what they have to say. I’ve even become friends with some of my fans. Let’s say you’re in a monogamous relationship. Which would piss you off more: finding out your partner has been exchanging emotionally-loaded messages online or finding out that he had a meaningless one-night stand? I would definitely be more upset about the messages. Sex can just be sex and nothing else. It is really easy to share feelings with someone online and way more dangerous I feel. You’re also a rapper now? Growing up I listened to two different kinds of music: hip-hop and punk. Dr. Dre and the Bad Brains. I played in punk bands when I was younger. Then one day I just started rapping. And I liked the fact that I could create this music without having to rely on a band to do their part. I love everything about rapping, like the way writing a song is like putting a puzzle together and when if fits, it feels great! Do you think we are due for a gay white porn star rapper? I wouldn’t say the rap industry is due for a gay white rapper. But it is due for some fucking acceptance. The amount of homophobic rappers that drop “faggot” on a track like it’s nothing is crazy. Who gives a fuck if I’m white and who gives a fuck if I’m gay? I have been through the same shit -if not more – and I deserve to be here. A lot of rappers need to stop acting like bitches about homosexuals. If you had to choose, would you rather do a duet with Cazwell or shoot a porn with him? I’d be down to do a track with him. Before the Internet, pornographers could do their job without having their relatives in the Midwest finding out. Now, you guys’s faces are all over Google and YouTube. Do models now have to be more comfortable with the exposure? It’s definitely hard now to “secretly” do porn. My family knows. Because I knew they would find out so I wanted them to hear it from me. Doing porn is not a big deal. Our society makes it out to be some horrible thing. If you do porn you are blacklisted from every fork of mainstream entertainment. Have you noticed a change in mentality between guys who have started doing porn in the Internet era and guys who started even just a decade ago? I’ve noticed a difference in the past year. I feel like I was one of the first porn models to heavily use social marketing and networking to launch my career. I can easily say, I have gotten to where I am today because of Twitter. Ever since, I’ve noticed so many kids on Twitter trying to launch their porn careers the same way, and I think it’s awesome. They don’t have to get hired by these big time companies for people to know who they are anymore. It’s a new generation of porn, for sure. Would you ever have sex with any of your Twitter followers? There is definitely a possibility. Click next to get a sneak peek at Chris’s rapping skills on his first single, “Fuck This Industry.” Not satisfied? Keep clicking for a Queerty-curated gallery of Chris Porter photos (SFW) throughout the years.
Chris Porter (aka Double Dose) tells you what he really thinks on “Fuck This Industry.” Chris will release his second single once his Double Dose reaches 500 followers on Twitter.
Chris Porter: The Bygone Twink Era.
Chris and his boyfriend, Samuel Colt, lounging poolside.
In the zone.
Is that an iPhone in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

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  • VagrantMan

    I’m not sure how I feel about a porn star rapper. I’ve never watched any of his porn, but his demo is surprisingly good. It also refreshing to hear someone say “I grew up with Dr. Dre and Bad Brains”. I don’t necessarily agree with him on the use of “fagot” in rap, as not every rapper who uses the word is homophobic. It also doesn’t help his argument about homophobia in hop hop when he says “A lot of rappers need to stop acting like bitches about homosexuals.” Fagot and Bitch are pretty much interchangeable with each other.

  • Chris Porter

    @VagrantMan: To back up what I said about rappers using the word “faggot”. I agree with youthat not every rapper who uses the word is homophobic. I know a lot of them use the word just because it has power and hits people hard. Which I understand to a certain point. But there are a lot of homophobic rappers.

  • VagrantMan

    @Chris Porter: Agree, homophobia is rampant in the hip hop community. However, a lot of that has to do with out of control machismo that has sort of been part of hip hop for a while now. Again, I liked your song, but you use the rhyme “pass a pussy bitch, better watch your fucking back, your getting taken down and not just on this track (gun shot noise)” in your single. So in your beats you’re playing into that part of hip hop culture where every rapper has something to prove. A lot of what is perceived as homophobia in the hip hop community, sometimes inst. And when it is there, you can tell who’s homophobic just by how they present themselves.

  • Joe in Savannah

    Classless…He has potential…but its stupid, and speaks volumes about somebody’s maturity level when they have to rap about killing somebody. Totally classless.

  • no thanks

    Cazwell has chronic bad breath. no joke.

  • VagrantMan

    @Joe in Savannah: It’s not classless just because you don’t understand hip hop culture. Frankly, if he’s offending you he’s probably doing what he set out to do.

  • Joe in Savannah

    Its not that I dont understand hip hop culture. I do. Its all about respect and being hard. But if you kill somebody, you aren’t going to get anybodys respect, and it certainly doesn’t make you hard. If you want respect, help build a school in a run down neighborhood. If you want to be hard, keep the bullies out of that school.

  • Cam

    @VagrantMan: said….

    I don’t necessarily agree with him on the use of “fagot” in rap, as not every rapper who uses the word is homophobic.


    It also doesn’t help his argument about homophobia in hop hop when he says “A lot of rappers need to stop acting like bitches about homosexuals.” Fagot and Bitch are pretty much interchangeable with each other.

    1. The rappers using the word are not saying it as gay people, so actually yes, it is homophobic, the same way any Country Singer using the “N Word” would be racist.

    2. Bitch and fag-got are not interchangeable, they are only interchangeable in that to many rappers they are both insults.

    As for the suject of the article. Porn and trying to be a rapper seem like just another one of those situations where people want an easy way out. he seems like in the long run it would be much smarter of him to bust ass and work on his marketing job.

  • Oh Yeah

    I guess you have to congratulate him for giving it a go.

    The rapping, however, is average at best.

    Maybe he should stick to porn.

  • So Yo

    @Oh Yeah: I know I might get some heat for this, but it always seems that when most porn stars open their mouths (to speak) it pretty much ruins their appeal because they inevitably say something so profoundly stupid it’s just…unattractive. Rod Daily talking about how he thinks Trump would make a decent president, for example.

  • VagrantMan

    @Joe in Savannah: Again, you don’t understand hip hop culture. He’s not actually killing anyone, it’s a song. If you can’t step back and look beyond the words in the songs, you really don’t understand hip hop culture.

    @Cam: That tired argument of “on we can use the word” isn’t going to convince anyone not to use the word. If anything it makes the word more taboo and risqué to use.

    AND LOL at anyone who thinks Cazwell is a rapper.

  • cody

    What an idiot.

  • Asenath

    @cody: That seems like a pretty heavy judgment to lay on someone, based solely on a brief interview, a youtube, and some photos.

  • Truthful

    what a twink!

  • Labi Ajeti

    looking good playa

  • delurker

    ugly tattoos. yuck!

  • mike

    @Chris Porter: i admire you already, you sound intelligent and the best thing you show is that not all bi/gay men are sluts and can be in monogamous relationships! Good luck to you and your hot boyfriend

  • daniel

    Hate to break it to him but he is SUPER ugly and NOT TALENTED at all. So he sucks at both PORN and Rapping! Oh well…..Hope he finds his true calling in life…at a Seven 11.

  • sotakeidotcom

    Oh dear, there seems to be a rather unfortunate blue bird-shaped growth over his groin

  • Acnyc11

    OMG, Its true Cazwell has some chronic breath. Stay clear.

  • D9W

    IF it walks like a duck,
    Quacks like a duck,
    and make fart sounds like a duck,
    it must be a TWINK !!!

  • Guillermo3

    @Chris Porter: Homophobic,or not[both
    yes & no,I think],faggot and punk have been/are current in
    African-American communities,at least in lower,working
    and middle classes,originators and sustainers of Rap/Hip-hop/etc.
    Anyway,to my eye,Chris sure is Fugly.

  • kevininbuffalo

    Looks like someone who’s working really hard to be something he’s not. He’s a twink playing gangsta. Silly ass.

  • Spike

    Damn, all those tats, he is def gonna look like Bob the Tilt-A-Whirl operator when he’s 60!

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