What is a “literal” Nazi stormstrooper, you ask? It is an “active homosexual” person. At least, according to good ol’ Bryan Fischer.

“Homosexual supremacy is the doctrine that homosexual rights trump every other right in the world,” Fischer said on his American Family Radio show this week. “They trump every right that heterosexuals have, they trump every right that citizens have not to be pushed around by the activists and the LGBT agenda.”

He then brought up “over-rated” “Hillary flunky” Meryl Strep who he still holds a grudge against for comments she made about Donald Trump last month.

Related: Donald Trump lashes out at “Hillary flunky” Meryl Streep following historic speech

“You know, Meryl Streep is out there saying she is going to stand up to the Brownshirts in our culture, referring to Donald Trump,” Fischer said. “The real Brownshirts are in the homosexual movement! In fact, the Brownshirts under Hitler literally were homosexuals. You couldn’t become an officer in the original Brownshirts, Hitler’s Brownshirts, without being an active homosexual!”

Oh, but he didn’t stop there.

“The gay Gestapo have the same kind of tactics, the same kind of worldview, the same kind of mentality [as Nazis],” Bryan continued, before accusing gay people of “[running] over anyone who gets in their way to punish them.”

Watch the bizarro rant below. Or don’t.

h/t: Right Wing Watch via PinkNews  

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