Queerty had an opportunity to chat with comedienne and gay icon Margaret Cho because she has a new web series, In Transition.

So we grabbed it, chatting up about the Supreme Court rulings on Prop 8 and DOMA, marriage tips for gay men, among other important topics.

What was your response when you heard that DOMA had been struck down?

I think it’s a great step towards equality. I think it’s an exciting thing. Things have been used to justify homophobia and inequality and I just think it’s a great move towards democracy.

In his dissent to the Supreme Court’s ruling on DOMA, Justice Antonin Scalia compared gay marriage to an over-cooked meatloaf. How do you respond to that?

I don’t understand what that means. Gay marriage is about equality. It’s about respecting LGBT citizens as much as you respect heterosexual citizens. I don’t understand when people have these weird metaphors or when they say something like that. You know? I don’t get when people use overblown situations to describe what really is equality.

You and your husband just celebrated your ten year anniversary. What advice do you have for gay men who are considering tying the knot?

It’s about creating family. It’s about creating the relationship that you’re meant to create. I’m all about commitment. And I’m all about marriage. And I’m all about family. And I’m queer also. A lot of people have questioned my marriage and questioned the validity of my marriage, but I’ve been married 51 times longer than Kim Kardashian and that guy she was with. 51 times longer. 51 times! I mean that’s, like, significant.

You have an open-marriage, and that seems to be working for you.


Is traditional marriage a thing of the past?

I don’t know. I can’t say what other people do. But I know that what I do works and works for my marriage and my family. Everybody has their own way of interpreting and working out their relationship. For me it’s worked out really well.

You got some flack for outing John Travolta in your live act earlier this year. He’s never officially come out as gay, but the rumors have been flying for years. My question for you is: If John Travolta were gay, do you really think his male lover would allow him to wear those awful hair plugs?

Oh no! I would hope not.

You know, I would hope that he would be able to be himself. It’s not even like I’m outing him, because it’s so obvious. That’s like outing Liberace. All I’m doing is taking public speculation and joining it with what I know to be true.

The whole thing baffles me because he’s been married to Kelly Preston for so long.

But it works for them. I think they are legitimately a family. But this is not about that. This is about whether or not celebrities have a responsibility to come out. Especially when their private lives are under such scrutiny. That’s sort of me outlining his choices, as opposed to me accusing him of anything or outing him.

I live so openly. But other people are not able to do that. And then they have to endure a lot of accusations and speculations. I was just trying to talk about that and talk about what that must be like.

Ultimately, I think he’s a good guy, and I think he is suffering, and it’s sad for somebody like that, who has made such a big contribution to film and to pop culture, who’s made to live under this guise of heterosexuality. I’m actually on his side.

I know you’re friends with Kathy Griffin.

People always ask me about her because we’re really good friends, and they always ask: “Who’s the Queen of the Gays?” And I would have to say that would be Kathy. However, I am the Prime Minister of the Gays. I’m the one who actually makes the laws and creates change. And she’s the monarchy. She’s the popular one.

So what’s the deal with your new series?

I wanted to do something that was fun and funny and weird and subversive. And I have love for the “women in prison” genre. So my friends and I got together and made it.

You play an ex-con who is in transition re-entering society.

Yes. She’s in between a lot of things. In between addiction and sobriety. In between prison and street life. In between blonde and permed.

And how can people watch it?

We have a new episode every Wednesday for 13 episodes. The first one’s out now. People can find it online. They can follow me on Twitter. See it on Margaretcho.com. It’s on my Youtube channel.

Are there any final words of wisdom?

I’m thrilled about DOMA and Prop 8 being gone. I am certified and deputized to perform weddings, even in City Hall in San Francisco. I have that legislative power. I have the ability to marry couples all over the world, but especially in San Francisco. And I would really love to that once again. I’ve done it before and I’d be overjoyed to do it again.

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