Sen. Josh Hawley gave a whiny, hate-filled speech at the 2021 National Conservatism Conference yesterday during which he complained about how straight, white, cisgender men like himself are being attacked by left-wing extremists and it has to stop because it’s turning otherwise nice guys into porn addicts!

“They believe that America is a systemically racist, structurally oppressive, hopelessly patriarchal kind of place,” Hawley howled. “The Left want to define traditional masculinity as toxic. They want to define the traditional masculine virtues—things like courage, and independence, and assertiveness—as a danger to society.”

Seriously, what a drama queen. And that’s just the beginning.

Hawley went on to say that, as a result of all this, “American men” (read: straight, white, cis dudes) are “working less, getting married in fewer numbers; they’re fathering fewer children. They are suffering more anxiety and depression. They are engaging in more substance abuse.”

“Many men in this country are in crisis, and their ranks are swelling!”

Later in the speech, the antigay senator claimed that women, too, are under attack because LGBTQ people are demanding language be inclusive.

“Many of my Democrat colleagues in the Senate won’t even say the word ‘mother’ any more, for heaven’s sake,” he griped. “‘Birthing people’ is the term of choice, as if women don’t exist.”

“And leftwing advocates across the country are trying to destroy women’s sports, as if women and men are somehow interchangeable. All that too is part of the deconstructionist agenda!”

We could go on, but we think you probably get the point by now, so we’ll summarize the rest of Hawley’s speech with bullet point quotes. Here’s a sampling of a few more things he said…

  • “This past week the [Biden] Administration celebrated the introduction of an ‘X’ gender marker on American passports. X means neither male nor female, if you’re keeping up.”
  • “University curricula abound with seminars on masculinity and its defects.”
  • “Even our military academies are in on the act. West Point reportedly held mandatory events last year addressing ‘gender norms,’ including ‘toxic masculinity.'”
  • “Boys are increasingly treated like an illness in search of a cure. If boys are too rambunctious, they’re diagnosed with hyperactivity disorder and medicated into submission.”
  • “Hollywood delivers the toxic masculinity theme ad nauseum in television and film.”

But the real kicker of Hawley’s speech came towards the end, when he said… Well, maybe it’s best if we let him do the talking.

Remarked Hawley, “Can we be surprised that after years of being told they are the problem, that their manhood is the problem, more and more men are withdrawing into the enclave of idleness, and pornography, and video games?”

OK, that’s enough of that. Let’s see how people on Twitter are responding to the whole thing…

Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.

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