Screen shot 2015-09-11 at 11.45.25 AMKim Davis is worried for her safety, ya’ll. You know, because of all those killer gays out there. So she’s getting her very own team of armed bodyguards, courtesy of anti-government extremists the Oath Keepers.

The Oath Keepers is a “patriot” group that stations armed civilians, or as they prefer to call them “constitutional sheriffs,” outside of government buildings and other public spaces. They’re best known for showing up with assault weapons during the Furguson protests. Then there was that time they staged a government protest/armed standoff with the Bureau of Land Management at the Bundy Ranch and announced plans for a “second civil war.”

Well, now they’re offering complimentary protective services to the Notorious K.I.M.

Related: Kim Davis Update: Paid Jail Time, Irreparable Damage And The Monday Morning Blues

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes announced that he has offered a 24/7 armed protection detail after Davis was she was “illegally detained by the federal judge who held her in contempt for violating multiple court orders.”

Rhodes said he is disappointed with the Rowan County sheriff, who he believes should have blocked U.S. Marshals from arresting Davis, thereby instigating a tense and useless standoff. Since the sheriff refused to step in, the Oath Keepers will.

“As far as we’re concerned, this is not over,” Rhodes said. “If the sheriff, who should be interceding, is not going to do his job and the governor is not going to do the governor’s job of interceding, then we’ll do it.”

Um, well, dude, you are at least a week late, so you guys would appear to be paper tigers.

And as for the conservative-appointed federal court judge who held Davis in contempt, Rhodes isn’t serenading him either.

“This judge needs to be put on notice that his behavior is not going to be accepted and we’ll be there to stop it and intercede ourselves if we have to,” he said, before adding that the group originally planned on grabbing their guns and surrounding the judge’s home but changed their minds after Davis was released from jail.

Probably a good decision.

“This is exactly the kind of thing that our Founding Fathers dealt with when dealing with the magistrates and the officers of the crown who wanted to run roughshod over the rights of the colonists without a jury indictment, without any of that,” Rhodes added. “Same thing. They’re going to show their power and show you who’s boss!”

Related: Oregon Judge One-Ups Kim Davis: I’ll See Your ‘No Gays Allowed’ And Raise You A Hitler!

h/t: Right Wing Watch

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