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Meet Laurel Imer.

The god-fearing, 49-year-old, right-wing extremist ran for the Colorado House of Representatives in 2020, where her Democratic opponent, Monica Duran, beat her in an absolute landslide. Now, she’s trying again. And this time, she has her sights set on the U.S. House of Representatives.

Imer hired her then-16-year-old son, Weston, to be her campaign manager in 2020. Now, she’s hired him again, since she doesn’t have to pay him he proved to be such an asset the last time around.

Prior to working for his mom, Weston volunteered for the Trump campaign and briefly–very briefly–interned for Qanon congresswoman Lauren Boebert for six days before he quit after being locked down inside the U.S. Capitol during the insurrection, which he said was “a little scary.” (He blames “Antifa and BLM” and not the MAGA militia for the whole thing BTW.)

According to the Progressive Voters Guide, Laurel Imer is about as vile as a politician these days can get:

Imer is clearly a fan of Trump’s, arguing that we should “end the COVID chaos,” and in a recent campaign press release named Black Lives Matter as a “domestic terrorist group.” She is supportive of Trump’s racist “America First” policy and likes to be in the company of other right-wing racists and conspiracy theorists.

On her campaign website, she spews the usual uber-conservative and QAnon talking points.

She hates immigrants, loves guns, believes the 2020 election was rigged, doesn’t want to teach kids about slavery and thinks there needs to be less “political indoctrination” in schools, and says “cancel culture is a very dangerous weapon used and manipulated by the left.”

“We must do everything we can to stop this harmful tool,” her website states, promising she will “fight in the public arena against the woke cancelation of public figures.”

As for LGBTQ people, her record is unclear, but considering her feelings about other minority groups, we can’t imagine she thinks too highly of us either.

Also, she’s a supporter of Jack Phillips, that homophobic baker from Colorado who refused to make wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

Hey, Colorado, you already delivered us Lauren Boebert in 2020. Can we please not get a repeat with Laurel Imer in 2022?

Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.

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