Is suppressing one’s natural inclinations towards love easier than turning away from the dessert menu at a restaurant? According to heterosexual blogger Michael Brown at the Christian Post the answer is: Yes! Hallelujah, yes!

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In a new, barely coherent blog post about homosexuality and obesity, Brown shares a recent post someone left on his Facebook page. It was written by an “ex-gay” Christian man named Eric who recently had a health scare linked to his excessive overeating:

“I have struggled with weight problems for years and it’s catching up with me,” Eric wrote. “On December 5th I spent time in the E.R. due to dangerously high blood pressure. They’re still working on getting the right combo of drugs to get it under control. I am morbidly obese and it is a matter of life and death.”

Eric continued: “I left homosexuality behind 6 years ago. That was SO much easier than getting my weight under control. I do understand being isolated from life due to weight. It’s more than just what people think. It is a physical bondage that fatigues and makes just fitting in a chair difficult. Other than learning about God’s word and knowing Jesus there is nothing I want more than to be healthy.”

Related: Yes, It IS Possible To Be Gay, Fat And Happy. Just Ask This Guy.

In his article, Brown applauds Eric for his “strong words” which are “saying a lot.”

“I know many people who have struggled with same-sex attraction,” he writes, “some experiencing instantaneous, miraculous transformation, others working for years to see those attractions gradually diminish, and still others fighting for decades to see change without any success.”

Brown then goes on to agree with Eric when he says leaving homosexuality is easier because it’s done “by God’s grace,” whereas food is inescapable.

“We need it to live,” he writes, “and we are constantly surrounded by unhealthy food choices.”

He then adds that he can totally relate to Eric’s struggle with eating because he himself is a recovering food addict.

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“I really do understand how difficult the battles are,” he writes. “Even though I’ve been totally free from food addictions since late August, 2014, when my lifestyle transformation began, I live as if one wrong bite could set me back.”

Brown concludes his post by asking readers to pray for Eric, then urging other food addicts to turn to Christ for help.

“If you find yourself struggling with unhealthy eating habits or food addictions, even if you’re not overweight, there is a solid, lasting way out,” he says. “And if you’re obese or morbidly obese, all the more are these promises for you. Even when it comes to food, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). There is a better way!”

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