Albert Einstein famously defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

How many people actually stick to that new gym routine or keep their promise to quit eating ice cream after 9 p.m.? Studies show that New Year’s resolutions last a week, at best.

And yet, every January 1, we continue to make grand declarations. Because you never know. Maybe this year will be different, right? Right?!

Pour yourself another glass of bubbly and scroll down for our New Years resolutions…

Chris Bull, Q.Digital Co-Founder & Editorial Director


  1. Eat all the veggies and fruit in my “farm fresh” weekly delivery box to help avoid rice and pasta.
  2. Read more and watch TV less.
  3. Bike more and drive less.
  4. Remember my resolutions longer than it takes me to write them here.

Jeremy Kinser, Queerty Managing Editor


  1. To make time to read at least one book each month. I have a voluminous reading list that will require me living into three digits to complete.
  2. To take an intensive cooking class and/or actually make use of the dozen gourmet cook books collecting dust in my kitchen.
  3. To visit Brazil, where I’m certain my soul mate resides.

Dan Tracer, Queerty Editor


In 2016, I’m resolved to stop giving fringe Republican candidates the oxygen they need to keep burning, to never click on any headline that contains the word “full-frontal,” and to treat every religious conviction with the solemn respect it deserves. I should probably note that I’ve never kept kept any of my resolutions.

Graham Gremore, Queerty Staff Writer

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Every year since 2009 I’ve vowed to lose 10 pounds, and every year I’ve failed. This year I’m switching up my strategy and, rather than losing weight, I just hope not to gain any.

Derek de Koff, LGBTQ Nation Editor


I resolve to stop dancing and crying simultaneously.

Jake Myers, Account Manager for Queerty and GayCities

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  1. Get married in a tropical location, and then plan an exotic honeymoon to de-stress from my tropical vacation.
  2. Watch all of the election debates from start to finish so that I’m well informed, instead of hearing the highlights on Howard Stern.
  3. Unplug my devices and sit still for 2 minutes a day, after reading Queerty of course!

Joseph Lease, Account Manager for Queerty and GayCities

  1. Get that Zac Efron body.
  2. Travel more.
  3. Meet new people.

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