Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis has problem: he’s not very good at talking to people. That’s not ideal for any politician, but especially one who’s running for president.

On Thursday, DeSantis held a campaign event in New Hampshire, where he delivered “his stock stump speech,” according to NBC News. But unlike other presidential candidates who barnstorm the Granite State, DeSantis didn’t take any questions from the audience.

When a reporter asked DeSantis about his disengagement, the anti-social Florida governor threw a hissy fit.

“People are coming up to me, talking to me,” he wailed. “What are you talking about? Are you blind? Are you blind? People are coming up to me, talking to me whatever they want to talk to me about.”

Like other prominent Republican politicians, DeSantis prides himself on his antagonistic relationship with the mainstream press. For years, he’s only conducted interviews on Fox News and friendly outlets; and his press secretary was once suspended by Twitter for abusive behavior. As governor, he’s also focused on loosening media libel laws.

But the problem is, DeSantis’ personality doesn’t just alienate journalists from the New York Times or Washington Post. He snaps all the time in public, such as when he yelled at college students for wearing masks.

Earlier this spring, DeSantis had a meltdown when asked about allegations from a Guantanamo detainee who says he observed his torture.

DeSantis committed many social faux pas in the run-up to his official campaign announcement, causing his donors and supporters to rip him to seemingly anybody who would listen.

“He doesn’t like talking to people, and it’s showing,” one supporter told The Washington Post.

That’s not surprising for a man whose personality was once compared to a “piece of paper.”

In fact, there are a slew of stories about DeSantis’ crimes against basic social etiquette. He’s been accused of eating pudding with his hands, failing to learn the name of his staffers and even refusing to sign a sympathy letter.

Unsurprisingly, DeSantis’ curtness has cost him political endorsements. Donald Trump has received the endorsements of 20 Florida House Republicans, while DeSantis only has one.

A couple of weeks ago, Florida freshman representative Corey Mills told the NYT he called DeSantis to thank him for his support, and never received a call back.

Mills endorsed Trump for president in early April.

“Donors who contributed to Mr. DeSantis’s previous campaigns tell stories of meetings in which the candidate looked as though he would rather be anywhere else,” the NYT reports. “He fiddled with his phone, showed no interest in his hosts and escaped as quickly as possible.”

International business tycoons have been equally unimpressed with DeSantis’ social skills. When DeSantis visited Great Britain, business chiefs decried his performance as “horrendous” and “low-wattage.”

DeSantis’ dumpster fire presidential launch didn’t quell concerns about how he will hold up under national scrutiny. His “Twitter Spaces” with Elon Musk kept glitching, and the candidate didn’t speak for the first 25 minutes.

But given DeSantis’ past interactions with the public, maybe that was for the better.

Scroll down for more reaction to his latest hissy fit…

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