Benno Peters is an aspiring influencer from Amsterdam. This week, he posted a photo of himself showing off his six pack and holding a rainbow flag to show his support for… Black Lives Matter? Not only that, but… he’s not gay? Wait… what???

“Rest In Peace George Floyd!,” Peters wrote. “It felt like my heart broke when I saw him being treated like that, no body deserves this! It should not matter what your skin looks like, where you are from, what religion you have, if you are gay, transgender, IT SHOULD NOT MATTER!”

He continued by saying “we are all the same” but that it’s “very sad for those that use Floyd as an excuse to raid and use violence.”

“I understand that people feel angry, the one thing that really makes me angry is injustice, and I felt a lot of injustice when I saw Floyd’s video,” he added. “But we should not let our anger take over because this will only devide [sic] us even more.”

Peters concluded the post by calling on people to unite and honor Floyd and everyone else who has “lost their invaluable lives because of injustice like this!”

OK, we should start by saying that we believe Peters’ heart was in the right place, and we appreciate that he considers himself an LGBTQ ally and a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement (which, just for the record, has its own flag). Unfortunately, his post didn’t land well with, frankly, anyone.

“Typical white privilege discourse,” one commenter wrote.

“Nice message but inappropriate photo,” another person said.

“You know that Stonewall was a riot and not a protest?” a third person asked.

To which someone else responded, “He doesn’t know cos [sic] he’s clearly not possessing much in the way of intellect.”

“He doesn’t care about gay people, gay history, he’s only here to get our attention for likes,” someone else opined.

Oh, but it didn’t stop there.

“That the photo has NOTHING to do with the supporting of ‘BLM’ movement,” yet another person pointed out. “THIS IS NUTS.”

“Dude you are clueless,” someone else added.

“Somehow you have made it about yourself and that’s insensitive,” another commenter remarked. “Fair message, but the picture is cringe.”

We could go on, but we think you get the point.

After seeing the response, Peters added an update to his post, writing:

Edit: Some people that don’t know me assumed I made this about myself here but that was never my intention. I am not gay or transgender. This is about standing up against what I believe is injustice. My only intention is to support the Black Lives Matter movement!

Peters then attempted a “do over” of sorts on #BlackoutTuesday when he posted a black square to his Instagram page, along with a Martin Luther King, Jr. quote and his own message about unity and speaking out against injustice.

The second post went over slightly better than the previous day’s one; however, it still drew some criticism.

“No abs?” one person asked.

“I’m surprised it’s not a pic of your abs… in black,” another person noted.

“Delete that disgusting previous pic,” a third person remarked. “Be respectful.”

Bless his heart.

Related: Tiffany Trump quoted Helen Keller in tone deaf #BlackoutTuesday post


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