Oh Susan, what are you doing? For months the Bernie Sanders campaign has been using the actress as a surrogate (basically someone hired to repeat talking points) and she seems to have gone a little off-book on MSNBC. When asked if she would vote for Hillary, if Hillary gets the nomination, Sarandon hesitated.

“I don’t know, I’m going to see what happens,” she says.

“I cannot believe –” said host Chris Hayes.

“People believe Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” Sarandon said.

“The Leninist model?” asked Chris.

“Yeah,” she replied.

Hillary’s people were a little aghast at that. “I thought that those comments were peculiar… not every surrogate that goes out and speaks on behalf of the campaign actually expresses the views of the candidate,” said one campaign rep.

And the comments were particularly troubling to Tony Kushner, the Angels in America playwright, who came on the same show to gently push back. (Is he a hired Hillary surrogate? MSNBC didn’t identify him as such but he sure was behaving like one.)

Kushner likes Hillary. A lot. “I think she would make an extraordinary candidate,” he said. “Like Secretary Clinton I think that as you move through time you consider views that you had in the past and perhaps reconsider them and amend them. … I believe in electoral democracy as a way of affecting progress and even radical change.”

In other words, progressives, stop acting like it’s Bernie or nothing. If he fails to get the nomination, yeah, you’ll be disappointed, but you can still participated in the process for getting Hillary into office.

“I think she’s absolutely the best shot to win. … I don’t understand why people people with political views that I share aren’t more excited about her. The I couldn’t possibly vote for Hillary Clinton thing from someone like Susan Sarandon who I respect enormously baffles me,” he said.

And when asked if he would vote for Bernie, if Bernie gets the nomination: “Of course! I don’t know what’s going to be nominated or who’s going to be nominated on the other side of things, but it’s terrifying.”

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