Willam Belli on Hey Qween with Jonny McGovern Featured Image

On the latest episode of Jonny McGovern’s ‘Hey Qween!’ Willam Belli sits down with Jonny one-on-one to discuss the topic that’s been on everyone’s minds since the DWV breakup: What the hell happened!?

After they talk about some of Willam’s post-DWV solo projects, including the relaunch of Willam’s Beatdown and a new “To Catch a Predator”-style web series, they get into the tee behind the breaking…

Jonny McGovern’s Hey Qween! with Willam Belli from RuPaul’s Drag Race

Related: ‘The meWme Show’: Willam to Give a Glimpse Into Life With DWV

Willam Spills the Tee About DWV…

[quote]I wasn’t going to say anything about anything because I thought we were kind of keeping it an in-house memo, and when other comments were made I, I don’t want to say anything bad about either of them, but I’ll defend myself to a degree hopefully, and if that’s entertaining at the same time for other people to read that’s fine, but I’m not trying to milk it at all. I have too much good stuff going on for me….

“We were friends who were in another band, and that band was kind of going—yeah Tranzkuntinental—and that was kind of not the most organized thing… but we had a lot of fun and we had a residency at House of Blues… and we decided to do our own song, the Chick-fil-A thing, and we kind of split ourselves off from that.

“We never had a plan really, and we never sat down and wrote stuff like goals and breakdowns and like percentages and royalties and all those things that people should figure out before they get into business together. We don’t really do that…. You know what we figured out? ‘Girl what are you gonna wear?!’ That’s what we did. We’re drag queens and we had a lot of fun and, you know, you’re not friends with your friends your whole life sometimes and stuff goes down.

“No, that didn’t happen. I’ve heard stuff like that (that Willam paid for it all) and I think it’s tacky to talk about money unless the person you’re talking about it with is in you. Then it’s ok. Coin on the dresser, hit the door. Other then that, I would never talk about their finances or my finances…. It wasn’t tensions because of anything like financial or anything, no.

“People see Vicky and D and they probably see me differently, I think. I don’t—I’m not the party hound, you know. I’m a whore. I’d rather be sober and slutty… I’m not sober, not all, but I try not to drink before I work just because then the rumors are like ‘Oh she was so fucked up!’ It’s like, no, I have enough shit going against me that I don’t need other variables that I can’t control. So, after the show, let me get fucked.

“We don’t hate each other. They hate me…. One of them hasn’t spoken to me since—well unless she really needed something—since like November really. It’s fine though. We were professionals and we had so much—on stage it was like one of those things where, you know, nothing could go wrong, and it was really nice, and then we would get back off stage and it would be like, ok we’re not—we were playing a role kind of. We were everybody’s best friends. We invited you into our party for an hour on stage, and it was a lot of fun, but…. we had genuine fun on stage and then I would get off stage I would just—I’d get a little sad but at the same time I’m like, you know what if you just stay in one spot it’s not gonna—I can’t keep doing the same thing and I’m really glad that I did what I did, and I started saying no to the gigs.

“I read this stuff online and people are like ‘Oh it’s a cover up for this and blah blah blah’ and then—I was like this is fan fiction better than p…

“Maybe she is (Vicky going on Drag Race). I made her tape last year in a middle seat, on our way back from Dubai, and I think they said it was overproduced. I’m like, well sorry, and I thought it was weird because from what I had heard from her, they asked her for a tape, like with me, and I’m sure she knew people in cast because we’re in Hollywood, and then they didn’t invite her on and I was like oh wow. I have no idea what her plans are or Detox’s plans, but sometimes I get text messages from them and that’s always nice. (Mean ones?) Just text messages.”[/quote]

Related: Watch: Willam Belli & Davey Wavey’s ’10 Reasons to be a Slut’

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