A shocked young man
Posed by model (Photo: Shutterstock)

A mom’s Reddit post has gone viral and prompted thousands of comments. It would be a good one to share the next time you hear someone whine, “I don’t know why gay people have to come out, no one cares these days!”

The mom (@Destroyedheart75) posted in the sub-Reddit, TrueOffMyChest, in which people vent about things going on in their life. She explains she has a 17-year-old son who came out as gay two years earlier. She said she was unsurprised and supportive, as she’d long suspected he was gay. However, her husband was shocked and never accepted the news.

“To this day he still refuses to believe my son is gay, he can’t believe it and thinks that my son is doing it because somehow he is resentful towards him.

“Last year he tried to send our son to a conversion therapy camp, those places advertise as ‘clinics for men’ but I opposed so fiercely that he gave up that idea.

“Then, he tried to get my son testosterone shots with a shady doctor, in his mind my son needed to be more manly and more testosterone would awake his male instincts.”

The woman does not say where she lives. It should also be pointed out that being gay has nothing to do with testosterone levels.

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“It has been so difficult with him,” mom continued. “He is always berating our son, making snark comments, homophobic jokes, and he has started to drink again (before we started to date he was an alcoholic) he even throw my son’s poetry books because he thinks that poetry is for Fa… (you know).

“Last week while my son was alone at home, my husband came by with a girl dressed in a provocative way, he told my son that maybe he said he was a F because he has never been with a woman or didn’t know what to do with one and that girl was going to teach him.

“He left and left them locked and told my son that when he came back he wanted proof that he was a man.

“The girl told my son that it wasn’t any problem with being gay and that a lot of fathers hired her to have sex with their teen/young sons to avoid homosexuality. She was happy to be paid by doing nothing.

“My son felt humiliated, ashamed and that his privacy had been violated, he called me and I went to take him and to throw that girl out.”

Mom returned home and has now taken her son to live elsewhere.

“We are staying with friends (we left our house) because my husband disgusts me, after what he did I feel repulsed and I can’t stand him.

“I’m going to divorce him because these last years have been an inferno at home with him and I think I can’t forgive him for what he did.”

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The posting has had almost 60k upticks. Many of the commentators said it wasn’t the son who had the problem.

“Your husband sounds like he needs a lesson or two on how to be a real man,” said one well-liked response.

“Jesus Christ he sounds like my mom’s boyfriend when I was a kid. Your husband’s a piece of shit,” said another.

Others also recounted having similarly bad experiences with parents.

“Good mom. Mine was a homophobe, and I removed her from my life. My father divorced her, and we are all living happy lives without her.”

Plenty had admiration for the mom.

“You’ll get through this. You are a wonderful mother, and that sex worker sounds like a good person too. Your son will absolutely remember everything you’ve done to defend him,” said one.

Other moms also praised the mother.

“You are a fantastic mom!” said one. “Our son came out at 17 and he had nothing but support and love from all the family, extended family as well. He’s now 34, has a great job in another country and is getting married soon. We gained another son, I now have 4! Look after your boy, it’s not about your husband who, imho, isn’t worthy of the term, Dad.”

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