Screen shot 2015-05-21 at 2.22.47 PMGreat news, guys! A new study has found that ejaculating at least once a day can help lower your risk of developing prostate cancer, the Mirror reports.

32,000 men participated in the study over the course of 18 years, making it the largest research to date on male ejaculation (or at least the largest scientific study). Participants shared their monthly ejaculation practices between the ages of 20 and 29, and 40 and 49.

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Of the 32,000 participants, 3,839 eventually developed prostate cancer. Interestingly, men who reported orgasming more than 21 times a month showed a 22% lower risk of developing problems.

The study doesn’t provide any reasons why exactly ejaculating more often can help combat the likelihood of developing prostate cancer, but Dr. Jennifer Rider of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital says you shouldn’t get too excited by the findings just yet.

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“While these data are the most compelling to date on the potential benefit of ejaculation on prostate cancer development, they are observational data and should be interpreted somewhat cautiously,” she told the Daily Mail. “At the same time, given the lack of modifiable risk factors for prostate cancer, the results of this study are particularly encouraging.”

Now, if you’d please excuse us, we need a few minutes to go and stave off prostate cancer.

Related: The Ins and Outs (and Ins and Outs) Of Prostate Pleasure

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