It must be a cold day in hell because Donald Trump‘s support among evangelicals is slipping drastically. And it’s largely because of the publicity stunt he pulled earlier this week when he had peaceful protestors teargassed and shot with rubber bullets so he could pose for a photo holding the bible upside down in front of a church.

That’s rights, folks. Saying racist things, bragging about sexually assaulting women and shooting people in the street, and paying a porn star $130,000 to keep quiet about an extramarital affair couldn’t change their minds. But holding the bible upside down, well, that is just an abomination unto the lord!

New York Times reports:

In March, nearly 80 percent of white evangelicals said they approved of the job Mr. Trump was doing, PRRI found. But by the end of May, with the country convulsed by racial discord, Mr. Trump’s favorability among white evangelicals had fallen 15 percentage points to 62 percent, according to a PRRI poll released Thursday. That is consistent with declines that other surveys have picked up recently. Among white Catholics, the same poll also found that his approval has fallen by 27 points since March.

Some evangelicals have begun speaking out publicly about why they can no longer support Trump. Like Monica Bailey, who has “never voted Democrat in my life.” She recently shared a video in which explains why she voted for him in 2016 but why she will not be voting for him again in November. The video has been widely circulated on Twitter.

Even homophobic televangelist Pat Robertson seems to be turning on the president after fervently defending him for years. This week on The 700 Club, he actually spoke out against Trump’s recent behavior.

“It seems like now is the time to say, ‘I understand your pain, I want to comfort you, I think it’s time we love each other,'” Robertson said. “But the President took a different course. He said, ‘I am the “President of law and order,’ and he issued a heads-up.”

He continued, “He said, ‘I’m ready to send in military troops if the nation’s governors don’t act to quell the violence that has rocked American cities.’ A matter of fact, he spoke of them as being jerks. You just don’t do that, Mr. President. It isn’t cool!”

Robertson went on to decry racism, saying “we are one” and “God made us all.”

Meanwhile, in an interview with Sean Spicer this week, Trump claimed he has done “so much for religion” since taking office. He failed to elaborate, however, on what exactly he’s done.

Related: Ivanka brought a $1,500 purse to Monday’s tear-gassing and now its designer is facing a boycott

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