maxresdefault“I understand that the greatest point of offense from my article happened when I exposed homosexuality as a putrid-smelling demon that many have embraced,” Pastor Bert Farias writes in a rambling op-ed published Wednesday in Charisma News. “Apparently that was the arrow that afflicted the comfort of the hornet’s nest, creating cyberspace madness.”

Beautiful metaphor, Bert.

Last week, the pastor made headlines when he claimed gay people were possessed by fart demons so foul-smelling they had the power to drive pigs to suicide. He now says that, as a result of his comments, which were, naturally, misunderstood, he has become a victim of — surprise, surprise — online bullying.

Farias writes:

The LGBT community … was up in arms about my article and made sure to let me know it through hundreds of comments on this site, a host of other public rants on various LGBT sites, and through many vile and venom-filled private messages.

Farias claims the messages said terrible, terrible things like “I hope you die of pancreatic cancer,” and accused him of being “filled with Satan” and a “delusion piece of trash.”

Last Tuesday, he tweeted:

“One could easily have mistaken them for terrorists who delight in killing those who refuse to convert to their ideology,” Farias writes in yesterday’s op-ed.

Terrorists? Really?

He then goes on to explain what he meant by last week’s comments by offering the official definition of what a fart demon is.

A putrid-smelling demon would be considered an unclean spirit. Jesus taught on the operation of unclean spirits (demons) and their desire to inhabit human beings … [A]ny serious student of the Bible clearly understands that we live in a fallen world that demons rule.

Why all the rage and madness over a putrid-smelling demon? Is it not because I associated it with homosexuality? The scriptures condemn every form of sexual immorality, calling it a sin against your own body (1 Cor. 6:18). I singled out homosexuality in my article because it is widely accepted and celebrated in today’s culture.

After that he talks about lewdness and how it’s overtaken the gay community as demonstrated by gay pride parades.

Lewdness is associated with words such as licentiousness, filthiness, lasciviousness, etc. An unclean spirit or demon emanates these characteristics through human beings who yield to them. But the word lewdness has much stronger implications. It means total debauchery, unashamed indecency, unbridled lust, and unrestrained depravity … Ever been to a gay pride parade? Lewdness is rampant.

Farias concludes his article with this message to gay Christians:

With genuine godly sorrow, humble yourself and repent of your sin of homosexuality. Leave your partners and all gay associations, as if you were Lot in the days of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, escaping for your life. Your sinful associations will only keep you in a weakened position. Begin to call on the Name of the Lord from a sincere heart. He will give you grace to empower you toward change. Seek help and prayer from God-loving, Bible-believing Christians.

That’s one option. Alternatively, you could toss your Bible aside and join us down at the gay bar for some “licentiousness, filthiness, lasciviousness, etc.” First round is on the fart demons.

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