
No huge shocker here, but Broadway performers are really into Hillary Clinton. And so last night they threw her a lovely fundraiser at the St. James Theater, featuring a star-studded night of singing and dancing and jokes and a few surprise guests. Billy Crystal hosted, with appearances by Julia Roberts, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Jake Gyllenhaal, Hugh Jackman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, Emily Blunt, Neil Patrick Harris, Helen Mirren and many many more.

Alas, organizers took the video down from YouTube after the performance, so you can’t watch or donate anymore. (Good work, guys.) But if you caught it, you can reminisce! The show started with Billy Crystal singing a goofy song about Hillary, then slid into Hugh Jackman, who played Tangerine in the X-Men, singing “Oh What a Beautiful Morning.”

From there it was Joel Gray doing a number from Cabaret, then Sara Bareilles singing — ah, who cares, whatever she sings is going to make you cry, so it really doesn’t matter. Then Emily Blunt popped by for the youth vote and did something from Into the Woods, followed by Bernadette Peters swooping in to do things properly.

John Hamm and Jake Gyllenhaal then confirmed that actors can still be super self-important with “It Can’t Happen Here,” and Josh Groban made whatever you call those noises he makes to the tune of “Over the Rainbow.”

And then it ended with everyone singing the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” just in case you forgot that America likes to shoot people.

Elsewhere in the show, Sarah Jessica Parker sang “Tomorrow” from Annie, which is fitting since they are equally as grating. Angela Bassett did a jaw-dropping speech from Sojourner Truth. And Bill Clinton wandered by to say hello.

Perhaps the highlight, though, was Lin-Manuel Miranda saying “Tim Kaine in the membrane,” which will henceforth be how that song will be sung at all times.

At any rate, the show has since vanished from the internet, so if you’d like to see it, simply hire Joel Gray to come to your house and recreate his performance.

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