There’s a war of words brewing between Wall Street Journal‘s Peggy Noonan and Salon‘s Glenn Greenwald.
Noonan used her opinion piece today to offer the “reasonable” presidential candidates. Democrat John Edwards didn’t make the cut. Why? Well, he’s a Democrat and Noonan finds his populism “intemperate and insincere”. The journalist also takes Edwards to task for his grooming habits: “Also we can’t have a president who spent two minutes on YouTube staring in a mirror and poofing his hair. Really, we just can’t.”
Greenwald finds such a statement, well, unreasonable.
Writes Greenwald writes:
John Edwards…is disqualified, because four years ago, he was caught red-handed brushing his hair before a television appearance — “poofing,” in Noonan’s words, which isn’t really a word at all, but rather, a British epithet for a male homosexual — “Slang: Disparaging and Offensive” — a synonym for “faggot.” Noonan is making the same point Ann Coulter made: Edwards can’t possibly be President because he’s a faggot.
A number of Greenwald’s readers have criticized his reading of Noonan’s statements, but Greenwald’s sticking to his guns:
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Whether Noonan meant “pouf,” “poof” or intended to invoke both meanings, the point — and her stupidity in this regard — is exactly the same, and it’s worth noting because, as indicated, it’s illustrative of our media dialouge [sic] generally about our candidates.
Trust us, Greenwald, it’s only going to get worse.
That reading is way off. I think Edwards problem is that sometimes he comes off like guy smiley or a car salesman or something, I guess that’s from being a lawyer for so many years…
Peggy the loon as she’s known around DC is so full of shit she smells like a Christmas goose. Peg can’t stand Edwards because he combs his hair but she loves Bush for his stuffed codpiece. I don’t know which is more shocking the fact that Noonan is given platforms to spew her grade school bile or the fact that someone from this blog actually reads Glenn Greenwald.
hells kitchen guy
Ridiculous! Every politician has his/her hair and make-up done, as does anyone who goes on a news show. She knows that, stupid bitch.
As if every single candidate isn’t spending as much (or likely more) time managing their wardrobes, doing their hair and all that jazz. They all learned early on, when Nixon got destroyed in the first televised debate by JFK, that presentation matters.
Bob R
Immature, silly attacks on a candidates hair is the best they’ve got at this point? What a pathetic bunch children. Several of their candidates would kill to have Edwards’ hair. And Mittsy’s hair looks like it would be unmoved by a category 5 hurricane.
chandler in lasvegas
People are quoting PEGGY NOONAN? How fucking stupid can they be? She peaked during the Nixon administration. OVAH!
Maria St. Vincente
Peggy Noonan is a loon. She’s just a fatter and older Ann Coulter.
Bill Clinton spent more time grooming his pubes and life was pretty great when he was in control