This just in: The Southern Baptist Convention has declared “war” on gay marriage.
What does this mean exactly? Your guess is as good as ours. But the group said that if the Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage across the United States later this month, as it is widely expected to do, things are gonna get ugly. Real ugly.
“We are in a spiritual warfare,” Ronnie Floyd, the convention’s president and senior pastor at Cross Church in Arkansas, said during a rousing hate speech at yesterday’s convention in Columbus, OH. “This is not a time for Southern Baptists to stand back!”
He continued: “The Supreme Court is not the final authority, nor is the culture itself! I declare to everyone today as a minister of the Gospel: I. Will. Not! Officiate. Over. Any. Same. Sex. Unions. Or. Same. Sex. Marriage. Ceremonies!”
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To which he was met with thunderous applause from the peanut gallery.
Related: Christian Couple Threatens To Get Divorced If Gay Marriage Is Made Legal
The convention, which claims to have around 16 million members, also passed a resolution to “recognize that no governing institution has the authority to negate or usurp God’s definition of marriage.”
The resolution reads, in part: “The Southern Baptist Convention calls on Southern Baptists and all Christians of like-mindedness to stand firm on the Bible’s witness on the private purpose of marriage, which is to unite man and woman as one flesh; and the public purpose of marriage, which is to secure the basis for the flourishing of human civilization.”
But don’t get the wrong idea, folks. Just because the organization has declared war on gay marriage and may potentially refuse to acknowledge the Supreme Court’s ruling, it still loves everyone equally.
“Southern Baptists love our neighbors and extend respect in Christ’s name to all people,” the resolution adds,” including those who may disagree with us about the definition of marriage and the public good.”
That’s why it also voted to kick out one of its member church for supporting same-sex marriage.
Gay Marriage, if you’re reading, you might want to stock up on canned goods and bottled water and hunker down somewhere because the Southern Baptists are coming for you!
Related: 10 Bible-Based Reasons Why Christians Should Love Homosexuality
h/t:, GayStarNews
Jesse Erickson
You can’t win a war that you’re a year late to and have already lost
Like the time they declared war on Disneyworld and Disneyland for having Gay Days, and threatened a huge boycott?
Disney ignored them, Kept Gay Days, and after a short time you never heard anything about it again.
Joseph Dudley Manabat
Now we know who’s the warmonger. Apparently, they forgot what their God said. “Love one another.” I also think that Jesus Christ, the Middle-Eastern, said, “God is love.” I guess this cult doesn’t know what love is.
Alexander R. Rodriguez
Gay Left Declares War on Christianity
Ron Fowler
Really??? Sheepeople – !!! Enough said!
Stephen Meeks
1) SCOTUS IS the final word. 2) When SCOTUS makes same-sex marriage legal across the US, you will not be required to marry any same-sex couple. 3) Marriage is a legal contract, not a religious one. Those who marry in a religious ceremony do so by choice, not because they are required to do so. 4) You’re all a bunch of idiots screaming the last cries of a dying faith, & 5) Bring it on Bitches
Paul Tidd
This is why we have a separation of church and state. So that the crazy people can’t run the asylum.
Death Rattle. All this hate spew will do is shake up the pants-shitters. Marion Paige is pacing the apartment now, twitching, frothing at the mouth about those who stand and fight for equality. If you Spiritually feed the flock, there’s no need to rattle the hate money tree. The inept Pastors resort to fear mongering for dollars.
Patrick Healey
The Supreme Court has the last word period!
Mike Jasinski
Yet they still marry their cousins…
Howard Steiman
God forbid you would be accepting. Wearing ignorance like a badge of honor only makes me want to pity you.
Auxifur Wolfgram
Smh. Humans.. Mostly all hate and no love. That’s a shame. Sadly animals know love and compassion a lot more.
Bruce Dillon
If your using “The Bible” to hurt others – Your using it WRONG!
The religious right IS WRONG!
Don’t BuyBull!
Harold Powell
And so it begins
Valencia Moh
Jon Davis
Yes, let’s go after the gays, say instead of helping the sick and homeless, feeding the poor, and fighting for equality for all… nice distraction from doing the right thing. But that’s all it is…a distraction.
Caoimhin Mikael Lycke
So be it…let them proceed ~ I need a REAL good reason to justify “DO HARM” vs “do no harm! Bring it on crazy Xristians…come get a taste of the hell you speak of so much!! ; -)
Glenn Wentzel
… because there isn’t more important issues in this world, like hunger and poverty!
Michael Finnegan
I personally, don’t put anything past these religious lunatics. Remember bombing abortion clinics, and shooting people? I fully expect this same drooling fervor will follow the SCOTUS decision.
Tom Remillard
Why not war on divorce adultery…..
Jim Phoenix
Sounds just like the middle east to me.
Bill Ligon
Go to Hell and take your goddamn hate-filled religion with you.
These people are irrelevant. Their hate and fear is nothing but blather.
It’s always something. They were against racial integration. They were against equal rights for women. They’ve been against LGBTIQ people for decades.
One of these days some of them will open up the New Testament of the Bible and actually read in the four Gospels about how Jesus Christ lived, what He said, and how his deepest and truest message centered on love.
And maybe they’ll be able to comprehend enough to realize how full of hate and anti-Christian they truly are.
Darryl Cummings
Bring it on.
John DeGregory
¿Por que?
Christopher Hamilton
Bring it on bitches
Stephen Ward
Take this one from the Mother Country!
Michael Davy
Who cares if he won’t officiate at any gay weddings? There are many good Ministers of many faiths that will.
Mark Siegel
i sure hope they have cleaned out their “closets” so what happened to the Duggars doesn’t happen to them…..i’d start with the gay websites bet you find them there
Ed Toribio
Thomas Cowhey Fitzgibbon Jr.
Is that like jihad?
Michael Jarboe
Yeah ok. Have fun with that. I’m declaring war on tuna salad!
Jonny B. Mitchell
Why is it always the Christians yelling and carrying on about gay marriage? Why are they sorely offended and no other American religious group (not including those with Christian ties like the messianic jews or Mormons)
Hawg G Wilde
Ronnie Conway
I’m sure them ass holes are they make me sick
Johnathan-Perry O'Brien
Really get a life with love not hate
Desert Boy
The Bible thumpers are obsessed with ‘teh gays’. I say fuck ’em.
Greg Morris
So here’s a thought, why don’t they forgo a government certified marriage certificate? Just have go their own little religious ceremony in the eyes of God and call it a day. I just don’t understand why they need the governments blessing.
Caleb Abrams
Good luck with that.
Evan Hamilton
I like that he yells, “I will not marry any same – sex couples!” Like, who the hell is going to ask him to marry them, after exclaiming hatred towards them? Dillusional! Go to war, buddy!
Chris Heiser
Bring it bitches!
David Sutton
Oh please f ck the
Timothy Clay Alston
Barb Luby Hillmantel
These people are delusional and filled with hate. Lovely Christian views!
tricky ricky
these people have been pissed off jerks ever since they got told they couldn’t own slaves anymore despite what the bible says.
John Williams
This is new?
Luis H. Lopez
Let’s unite the gay movement around the whole world and smash the southern Baptist antigay bigot KKK NAZI homophobes out of existence !
Christian Wells
Trevor Andrews
And people wander why it’s so hard for the LGBT community to trust christians
To which I say… Don’t get gay-married.
And besides, who in their right mind would ever want one of these assholes to officiate at their wedding???
What they REALLY want is for gay people to go back into the closet, marry unsuspecting straights, and vote for hateful laws directed at evil sexual sinners. After all, that’s what Larry Craig did… and we all know how great that worked out for him, his wife, his family, and the conservative movement.
Maybe we need to take a page from the ancient Romans and start turning these right wing wacko Christians into lion food. If offered a choice to support gay marriage or get mauled by lions I wonder which choice they would make? Methinks they will pick the cowards way out.
Let them keep spewing here speech. The next war they will be fighting will be to keep that tax exemption.
Doug Feltis
Dear Southern Baptists, Romans 13 to you, ALL of it. O thou hypocrites, if you say others cannot pick and choose in the bible, neither can you. lol
Jonathan Mulla
Not War lords, Drug Lords, Sex traffickers, or Political corporations, but gay marriage…. They have officially made stupid a business!..
Michael Hunter
I think they r a too late!
Tony Lee Churchill
Bring it !!
We gays have a propensity to use both sides of our brains. Earlier cultures even considered us to have shaman capabilities, so we’ll out think you neanderthals. Yank their tax exempt status!
Chuck Cardillo
And this is only one of the reasons I find organized religions extremely dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeffrey York
Aren’t they a little late?
Mark Wesley Pritchard
That pastor needs to grow a pair.
Osman Akkurt
And the winner of the battle are the gays! We had enough from you bigots throughout history, die forever!
Dave Dautel
I would be surprised if any of these idiots have actually read the bible .. it’s full of some of the worst crimes against humanity you will ever read about…oh well the weak minded are easy to control…
Robert Becker
We have and will always exist. Gay people are children of God just like our straight brothers and sisters. We are all part of God’s creation. To maintain the notion that we are somehow flawed is to question the validity of God’s creation. One of the most plainly stated commandments came from Christ himself. “Judge not, lest ye be judged”. Perhaps judging God’s creation itself may not be the wisest choice a Christian should make.
Dennis Crowley
Who cares
Mark Rice
Oh. That must mean it’s okay. Cool.
Michael Lepper
Pretend christian threatens a war?
How absurd, how desperate.
Donnie Bass
lol wow
Kevin J Desmond
That’s ok … I’m at war with the Sothern Baptist and the Christians and all the religions.
Mark Stevenson
I love Jesus but he sucks at hiring.
These are the same Southern Baptists who separated themselves from other Baptists to endorse slavery and racism. They didn’t acknowledge that they were wrong until 1995. Yep, real moral group you got there.
Robert J. Wilson
Absolutely disgusting and unsurprising.
Uhm. No one is asking him to officiate same sex weddings. So irrelevant.
Allan Huffmon
oh, bless their little hearts, for they know not what they do….
Bud Clark
And I VOW never never to set foot in a Southern Baptist “church,” OR give a PENNY to ANY Southern Baptist-related “charity.”
Stephen Benoit Talbott
Well, they’re not allowed to hate and scorn “the negroes” anymore. Times changed. But hey, they can still hate and scorn “the gays”!! YAY!
Because after all, what’s the point of being “religious” if you can’t throw stones at somebody?
“Be hateful for Jesus!” Why don’t they “declare war” on gross ignorance, bigotry, discrimination, poverty, or hunger? And, please, all you hateful queens, stop lumping together all Christians with the likes of the SBC, its branches, or affiliates. We are not alike!
Brian Adams
Bring it on bitches
Kyle Michael Reaves
They already lost…
Jonathan Mulla
“Get thee behind me Idiots”!..
YAWN, They need to take their fight internally. There is more evil inside their camp then outside! Let’s get one thing “straight”, those who bark the loudest always have the most to hide. Nuff said. If I were u, I wouldn’t give these charlatans any more of your precious time or energy, spend it where it’s most valued guys, looking pretty!!!!!
Wow, a declaration of treason. No one needs to believe in marriage of any sort. Belief isn’t necessary. Rights, otoh, are guaranteed under the Constitution. These same people’s parents and grandparents protested desegregation and interracial marriage. So I guess the stock runs true. Hohum.
David Red
They have been fear and hate mongers for two centuries.
Andrew Leonard
David Shuford
Going by the bible, couples should not divorce,but they are not raising HELL over that, Religion bends the rules to suite themselves.
Brandon Adams
Damn, now who is going to officiate my husband and my wedding?
Always gives me schadenfreude when I hear dinosaurs screaming at the incoming asteroids.
Kenneth Cosmo Ruisi
Well, too little, too late to start with. Plus all this hate is turning people off religion in record numbers, boosting Atheism and Buddhism to the fastest growing “religions” (with good reason). After declaring war on women, I guess the Baptists needed another target to motivate the ‘flock’ to more hate and vitriol. Had there actually been a Jesus, he’d be appalled at how his ‘teachings’ have been perverted by a bunch of pseudo-Christians with money.
Mike Sivak
Russ Kohn
Sameer Nurani
Bring it on! Well I guess you have learnt not to respect people who teach how to love! God will getcha..
Rick Wetzler
SB is a VERY VERY SICK so called church!!
Lonny Bradley Alois Regan
I wonder how many of the same Baptists are divorced…. that’s a sin as well.
Jennifer Mercury
Where do I enlist?
Aqu Si Roel
Lets start the fight.
Wade DeGottardi
Oh im soooooooooo scared.
@Alexander R. Rodriguez: Yes. Let’s hug and kiss them to death! 😀
Hector Villarreal
Tom Grogan
Because they are so nice to us already??
Johnny Torch Guy
Sounds like ISIS…lets behead them too, right? Let go or get dragged! ð???ð??
Mark Bean
How about poverty, hunger, or child abuse?
Southern Baptists – wrong about absolutely everything since 1835.
Awesome, more business for UCC clergy who WILL (and have for decades) officiate at marriages for folks who desire a religious ceremony.
Is this a real war like the “War on Christmas” or a symbolic war like the “War on Drugs”? Either way, it’s doomed to failure.
Chuck Davis
Um … If they have 16 million members … Sounds like we outnumber them
Manuel Chavarria
@Tom Remillard: I have asked myself the same thing. 50% divorce rate for USA BUT instead of concentrating on cutting the divorce rate the church is concentrating on Gay marriage, why?
Barb Kipper
More fools they.
Yvonne Alston Walker
One idiot doesn’t change legal laws!
Caylin Joey Gerhardt
its a shame religion itself has evolved into the definition of hypocrisy.
No. One. Wants. You. To. Officiate. Their. Gay. Wedding., You. Asshole.
Brad Willey
Ohhhhh lawrd Jesus I went to get me a cold POP and there’s a Damn Blaze at The Southern Babtist Church I thought they were BBQ’N Lawd Jesus there’s a fiiiiire!!!!!!
With 16 million Southern Baptists in the country, you know there of hundreds of thousands who are gay or have gay children.
The tragedy is that those kids have to listen to preachers like this guy, who is teaching them to hate themselves. The depression and suicide among gay teens is too often the result of a religious upbringing in an evangelical denomination.
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the Southern Baptist leaders have blood on their hands.
James Hall
You know what , I don’t care …I’m sick to death of loud mouth bigots and religious fanatics that function much like the Pharisees that Jesus spoke against. Stop trying to force your beliefs down everyone’s throats, we have rights too you know.
Penny Pon
Who cares what southern Baptists think about anything?
Rixter Mixter
Bring your prayer books and we will bring dildo’s !
Jimmy Jimbob
excellent opportunity to use my maria callas grenades and Ricky shrover bazookas
South baptist convention is losing membership by the thousands and this is one of the main reasons. Young people are waking up and not tolerating the obvious bigotry and discrimination the religion they have had forced upon them their entire life.
Paul Fish
Get a fucking life you low life scum
Republicans are really caught in a quagmire with these overly zealous, hypocritical Christians.
Religion and politics must stay separated. Religion, tainted by politics, is faithless. Politics, tainted by religion, is oppression. Religion and politics are separated for a reason. Religion has no place in civil law, whether it is Hindu, Halakha, Sharia Law, or Christianity’s Canon. Americans are not to be burdened by other peoples’ religious beliefs. Freedom from other peoples’ religious beliefs is imperative. Separation of Church and State has never been more relevant. How dare you declare war on other Americans. Equality for all Americans, even the unpopular ones, is supported by the framework of the Constitution. This big idea may be challenged, but it must not be defeated. If the rights of GLBT Americans are suspended this century, who will you target next? Freedom is a concept that will win. The Constitution is above mere justices and politicians. Religion and politics must stay separated. With your mouths, you have done more to harm Christianity than any single person, opting to fight for equal, American status. You could win hearts, but not acting like children, playing with toy machine guns, shooting Bible bullets, (your version-hollow points). You could win hearts. Incompetent preachers teach hate. Nefarious preachers mix it up with politicians. No other American citizen need be burdened by another’s beliefs in such egregious fashion.
Thomas Riccobuono
Hmmmm guess I better get a gun.
Dana Johnson
It could be a very interesting Pride weekend here in Columbus if their convention is still in town, which I’m assuming will be.
Bjorn Hunter
Ahh Christians, always declaring war on something
@Caylin Joey Gerhardt: Ironic use of the word “evolve”, unintentional I assume. Remember religion didn’t ‘evolve’ into the definition of hypocrisy, it was ‘created’ that way.
@Bjorn Hunter: Well said. 🙂
Why is this jackass answering questions nobody has asked, like requesting him to perform a gay marriage. He doesn’t need to perform any marriages if he doesn’t want to. And why has everything got to boil down to being a war? Good grief!
Douglas Sparks
F____ them.