PHOTOS: Defying Gravity With Justus Boyz

  MORNING GOODS: The underwear maker Justus Boyz may not be a household name yet, but we think after viewing some of their models in trunks, briefs and jockstraps (or less), you won’t soon forget them.
Click through for more Justus Boyz photos from our friends at the Underwear Expert
Photos: Justus Boyz via Underwear Expert  


























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  • Ben

    Egads – worst … photoshop… ever.

  • Daayyummmboi

    Not impressed!!! There is no reason in the world, why any company seeking global name recognition in this day and age, would feature a string of photos that totally lack any kind of diversity. I guess this company will have to learn as Abercrombie and Fitch, the hard way.

  • The Real Mike in Asheville

    @Ben: Unbelievable — pictures of some very hot guys showing off their very hot bodies while wearing some pretty adorable undies, and you complain about photoshop? Really? Lighten up Ben and just enjoy the view and take time to smell the roses, life is too short to waste with whining.

  • plazaboy

    @Daayyummmboi: You’re absolutely right. People only will buy underwear if the ads show diversity. I’m sure that is the dumbest thing i’ll be hearing today.

  • Daayyummmboi

    @plazaboy: Yeah, things are always sound dumb to those of whom it doesn’t effect. I guess your response would be the dumbest thing “I” will read all day.

  • Oh well

    @Daayyummmboi, in all fairness, some of the models seem latino to me. And while I don’t see any boys as blindingly white and unable to tan as myself, I’m not complaining. In all fairness, every collection of six photos doesn’t have to include all ethnicities.

  • Daayyummmboi

    @Oh well: Ummmm… So says you. Again, the uneffected.

    “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    In all fairness, where in my statement is the word “All”? I don’t expect a rainbow of color in just six photos. What I do know is that of those six photos, it can’t be that hard to find a single model that doesn’t look exactly like the others. Especially when your trying to sell a product on the global market.

  • JP

    I don’t know why people are complaining when these guys look hot and the pictures look great. Let’s just enjoy the eyecandies.

  • Daez

    @Oh well: If you check their website, they do not have a single black model anywhere near it. Why would a minority want to buy from a company that obviously has so little disdain for minorities that they do not even attempt to show any diversity?

  • Hyhybt

    Well, logically, photos showing people not wearing any underwear (there’s at least one in there) wouldn’t get people to buy the stuff either. The point of most advertising, though, is to shut down logical thought…

  • Oh well

    @Daymboy and @Daez, don’t latinos count? They have several latinos on their website, and at least one, maybe two blacks, at least as far as I can tell.

    On the other hand, all their models are hairless twinks, no matter what their ethnicity. But that is probably their target audience.

  • Daayyummmboi

    @Oh well: The fact that their ethnicity is questionable only confirms my statement that they all have little difference. I’m looking to see real diversity no matter what the race is. Not diversity-light or like. Major credible corporations and designers with far more dominance and global presence have reached out met this challenge with great success and profits. Why would a “start up” ingnore such results unless it’s as was stated, a low regard for minorities and other cultures in the first place? Or,is this a case of complete ignorance on the part of company management enclosing itself, an hearing only itself, in a bubble. As for the hairless twink part…. that maybe their target audience. I have little problem there.

  • Christopher

    I would hardly call the guy in #1 a “twink”!! Hairless yes. Twink, definitely NOT!

  • Daayyummmboi

    @Christopher: LOL!!!

  • mason

    These gays are hawt!! Just a bunch of jealous losers…and bullies!!!…..

  • Halston

    Nice looking guys, but I found the pictures to be boring.

  • Daayyummmboi

    @mason: Yes and of course your intense written thought exceeds that of Martin Luther King. I’m sure. O_o

  • 1equalityUSA


    “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    This man never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for this quote. It fed me this morning.

  • brad

    Seems like you can’t write about anything these days without someone complaining… sigh.

  • Justus Clothing

    Hello everyone, and thanks for all the comments regarding Justus Clothing. My partner, Phil, and I are the owners of the company. I wanted to weigh in on the above debate because it is such an important issue to bring up and something that is close to our hearts.

    The whole concept of Justus Clothing is inclusion. We created Justus Clothing during the build up to the 2004 election in the midst of carefully orchestrated efforts by powerful political forces that were designed to divide people based on their race and orientation in order to divert the public’s attention from issues like war and corporate greed. We have a diverse group of friends and family and were so offended by this movement to alienate people from each other that we wanted to create something that stands up to those forces and, in our own humble way, help to move the needle in the other direction. Our company is not a political organization and does not contribute to political campaigns. Among the many ways that we bring this philosophy into practice is every organization receiving underwear donations via our 1-4-1 Program must confirm that they do not turn anyone away based on race, religion, gender, or orientation or force any individual to be subject to coaching or programs intended to encourage them to be different than who they are as a condition of receiving any services.

    We employ models of various ethnic backgrounds at all our photo shoots. We don’t select a diverse group of models to win points with potential customers. We do this because it reflects our comfort zone and it is simply the right thing to do – besides what would Justus be without ALL of US? The mix of photos on our website and facebook page will vary from time to time and inevitably there will be times when the images skew one way or another, not just by race but perhaps other factors like body type, hair styles, etc. The diversity of our brand has been evident in our print ads, online advertisements, email blasts, and packaging.

    I especially wanted to respond to the comment regarding the shade of skin color of models on our site where ethnicity is “questionable” or unclear. We believe mixed race individuals are living proof of a successfully integrated society and should be celebrated as the very essence of diversity.

    We have been blessed that all of our models have been amazing forward thinking individuals with multiple talents and skill sets ranging from musicians to teachers, fitness instructors, actors, and even one who was a surgeon!

    Anyway, we always strive to do better and will keep all your comments in mind. Thanks for the feedback, good and bad.

    Michael Boila
    The Justus Clothing Company

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