PHOTOS: It Helps to Be Naked When Raising Cancer Awareness

comouknaked1 GRATUITOUS SKIN — Rugby player Gonzalo Tiesi, Will Skinner, David Strettle, and Jordan Turner-Hall, boxer David Haye, and Dancing With the Stars‘ Gilles Marini all strip down for British Cosmopolitan‘s annual Butt Naked spread. Don’t worry, the nudity isn’t all for show — it’s the raise awareness of male cancer. Uh huh. Our favorite photo? The one of Swedish DJ Jonas Erik Altberg, who found God in his crotch (see Page 6). (Photos: Cosmopolitan via Telegraph)

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  • AlanInSLC

    #4 works for me!

  • Thom Freeheart

    These guys should give each other prostate exams.

  • TANK

    Male cancer? LMAO! That’s a ridiculous self conscious name for it.

  • Bitch, please!

    Now I know this is supposed to be for a good cause and all that, but wowza! So this is what they mean when they say hog-heaven(Pic 1)? And to the black guy in pic 3, “If you see this, marry me. I will make you happier than any ol’ twat!” Woof!

  • TANK

    “female cancer”…lmao! “male kitty cancer”…LOL!

  • Fitz

    Actually “male cancer” is an ok term, to me, because most men are so damn afraid to talk about their genitals including prostate.

    Pic #3.. I have no idea who he is, but Good G-D, that body is amazing. Proportional, lean, he is art and heat all at the same time. WOW.

  • TANK


    It’s a retarded term. There’s no female cancer–there’s ovarian cancer…chrisssakes, it’s stupid.


  • TANK

    and for men who prefer it, grow the fuck up.

  • mfarris70

    What did they do to Cameron Diaz’s face?! It looks… smeared.

  • strumpetwindsock

    Plus it fits on a billboard better than “prostate and testicular cancer”.

    Though most male cancer is actually in the lungs, I believe.

  • strumpetwindsock

    Actually there are plenty of “women’s health” clinics to deal with conditions that affect primarily and exclusively women.

    The only reason I can think of for there not being “men’s health” clinics is that they would be empty because most guys are so shit scared of doctors.

    There are no shortage of medical conditions which men are more prone to.

  • TANK


    No, there’s no “female cancer”. SOrry, douche. FAIL!

  • TANK

    If my father ever told me he had “Male cancer” I’d fall on the goddamn floor laughing….”Son, I have male cancer…” LMAO! It’s not funny but it so is.

  • strumpetwindsock


    Cervical, ovarian, uterine, breast are all female cancers, and if you do a quick google search you will see that they are commonly referred to that way.

    Are you the Surgeon General now, too, along with being a Doctor of Philosophy?

  • Fitz

    @TANK: Really? That would be funny to you? Wow. I must have been a lot closer to my dad than you were to yours. I don’t find the term offensive in the least– anything that gets guys in to get their prostate checked.. especially AAs who have a very high rate of the disease. Your statement “for men who prefer it… grow the fuck up” is very arrogant. Not everyone is comfortable with words like “Testicle”, which is stupid.. but that doesn’t mean that I want them to die of treatable illness. Did you dad show you how to examine your testicles, btw? Did he explain prostate health to you? right.. I thought so. Women, in our culture, are a lot more expected to talk about their reproductive tracts than men. The idea with this kind of ad is to appeal to the kind of person who isn’t already looking at his calendar and saying “gee, this year I turn 50… I should have Dr. Smith look at my prostate”.

  • TANK

    “Tehehehehe, he said peeepee!” It’s immaturity like that that’s a part of the problem…why feed into it?

  • TANK


    They aren’t referred to as female cancer, idiot. They’re referred to as ovarian cancer. There’s no widespread and accepted umbrella term for women like “male cancer”. YOu failed.

  • strumpetwindsock

    Plus I think the main reason is that they want to keep it short was because it’s an ad campaign.
    I doubt that squeamishness was their main concern.

  • TANK

    Perhaps would could call aggressive cancers “male” and, say, the good hodgkins “female” (non hodgkins lymphoma). Yeah, I like my sexism in medicine just as much as I like it everywhere else.

  • TANK

    I doubt that squeamishness was their main concern.

    Once again taking the most unlikely scenario and asserting that it’s the likeliest.

  • strumpetwindsock


    I guess you had better write the hospitals and medical foundations on this list and set them all straight, eh?

  • TANK


    I don’t have to. That’s not the common parlance. They are referred to specifically and diagnosed specifically. Further, ad campaigns like “breast cancer awareness month” isn’t “female cancer awareness month”. You picked another loser.

  • strumpetwindsock


    Not the common parlance?

    I guess you edit the Associated Press Styleguide on weekends, too.

  • Fitz

    @TANK: Breast cancer isn’t female cancer because boys have breast tissue too. It’s much more rare.. but it does happen. Your just being contrary and a little dumb. It’s a sexy ad that gets attention, and hopefully gets manly men who don’t talk about prostate health into the office.

  • TANK


    It’s breast cancer awareness month, not “female cancer awareness month”. QED.

  • TANK


    It’s “you’re”, not your. For example, “you’re quasi literate”. And breast cancer, while it does affect men, is considered a woman’s disease. And the awareness raising basically exclusively concerns females.

    Where are the men pictured?

  • TANK

    There’s no such thing as “male cancer”. There’s prostate cancer and testicular cancer. The term was created out of immaturity.

  • strumpetwindsock


    You are absolutely right again Herr Doktor/Professor/Chef Redacteur; “Male Cancer” is not a clinical term for any specific disease.

    Too bad for you that no one claimed that it was a diagnostic term. Unfortunately you are just arguing with the hamsters in your head.

    Fact is, “male cancer” it is a perfectly valid term that is commonly used, including by medical professionals. Check that google link I had to stick under your nose.

    It has a specific meaning, just as the terms “female cancer”, “human cancer”, “feline cancer”, “animal disease” or “plant disease” do.

    All of us – doctors, the people who launched this campaign, public health authorities – understand what it means.

    Everyone that is except the expert.

  • TANK


    Female cancer is not a widely used term, nor is it even remotely commonplace. It’s breast cancer awareness month…not female cancer awareness month. People don’t raise awareness for “female cancer”–they do so for ovarian or uteran or breast cancer, respectively. It’s specific.

    You have provided no justification for the use of “male cancer,” a ridiculous term invented by people who are too immature to refer to what it actually is “testicular” without breaking into raucous laughter. It’s an absurd term.

  • Fitz

    You are absurd tonight, Tank. Cut back on the coffee, maybe see if there is a vallium left over. I apologize that my language skills offend you. This is not my first language and mistakes creep in. Honestly though, I think I do pretty well. You, on the other hand, are typically worth listening to- yet not so much tonight. Wrap it up and get some sleep. I look forward to seeing your words on another day.

  • TANK

    And honestly, if a doctor ever diagnosed me with “male cancer,” as per your intimation that doctors use it, I would get a second opinion to say the least….LOL!

  • TANK


    “Medical professionals,” rather…like dr. moreau.

  • Sam

    Guys! GUYS! You’re missing the most important thing!

    There are magic rays of light shooting out of #6’s crotch! He’s like the gay messiah or something!

    Funny… I expected him to look less like Jack White.

  • Sam

    Oh, damn. I should read the commentary instead of just looking at the pictures. Then I’d avoid the horrifying faux pas of repeating a joke that’s right at the top of the page…

  • strumpetwindsock


    I just finished writing that “male cancer” not a diagnostic term, but a descriptive term used by the professionals nonetheless.

    Given your short-term memory loss and obsessive compulsive behaviour I think a diagnosis of early-onset dementia is more likely.

    Or perhaps it’s a bad drug reaction. Maybe you should ask the nurse about it. I wouldn’t tell her about your new professions, though. She might wind up giving you even more.

  • strumpetwindsock


    Not to worry. All of us make mistakes in here.

    …or almost all of us, that is.

    On the other hand, you got our attention back on the important stuff.

  • TANK


    Yes, you said it was used by “medical professionals”…not doctors, though as it’s not a diagnostic term..but it describes “something” according to you, like maybe morgellons. Just these curious “medical professionals” are constantly using the term in their non-doctor related “medical field”. It’s not a medical term as you admit, though awareness is supposedly being raised about a health problem in this advertising campaign with naked men…like cancer…heaven forbid we use medical terms to raise awareness for cancer like sensible people do who are, for example, raising awareness for ovarian cancer or breast cancer.

    You’re hilarious. I provide endless humor on all issues with your ridonkulous take on just about everything. Irreplaceable.

    Another funny take on this advertisement campaign is that the “Male cancer” term was crafted out of embarrassment and shame around “tehehehehe” private parts and naughty words; basically, sexism and homophobia. Yet the people selling “male cancer” awareness are naked rugby players. THat sure is going to get some immature homophobic men to pay attention if anything will! Nude rugged men!

  • strumpetwindsock


    My but you are a silly person.

    I used that term because doctors are not the only people who matter, nor the only medical professionals concerned with cancer prevention and care. But the term does include all doctors.

    Medical professionals include doctors, nurses, physical and massage therapists, dentists, lab technicians, administrators, support staff, dieticians, pharmacists, paramedics and many other professions in the health care field.

    And regarding that rarely-used term, here’s a reference in The Guardian:

    And Male Cancer Awareness Week on the British National Health Services website:

    Go to the New York Hospital in Queens website and you will find a Female Cancer Support Group, and the Hong Kong Association of Radiologists is holding a Female Cancer Symposium in August.

    You better book your plane ticket soon so you can get over there and tell them they don’t know what they’re talking about.

  • TANK


    You failed at breast cancer awareness month–once again, not “female cancer awareness month”–at asserting its widespread use. The term you refer does not include doctors for the reasons you gave–it’s simply not a medical term and refers to no disease. LOL! Female cancer is not a widely used term by “medical professionals,” any which ones on your list. You’re grasping at straws, pathetically trying to defend a lost cause. Male cancer refers to no disease, as you admit, is not a medical term…and is, moreso, ridiculous and meaningless just like “female cancer”–which most people (medical professionals and lay people) do not use…because it’s meaningless. And the awareness month in the uk is born out of a similar abuse of language and meaning…it’s an absurd term.

  • TANK

    And the only medical professionals who matter here are those who deal with check and diagnose people for “male cancer” LOL!

  • TANK

    Hong Kong Association of Radiologists is holding a Female Cancer Symposium

    How desperate do you have to be? This does not widespread usage of this pathetic term make, idiot. It’s like saying that there’s a man in idaho who says “heck” and therefore, that is the preferred term for expressing angry or dismay in the united states now…desperate move. Why don’t you bring your findings about “female cancer” to the oncology department at, say, mass general? Then, after you wow them with this new terminology which no more picks out anything that exists than ‘unicorn’ does–you can introduce “male cancer” to them. and then to prove it exists and is a legitimate term for picking out an actual disease, you can indicate that it’s got its own month in the UK, and naked rugby players draw attention to it…bwahahahahaha!

  • TANK

    You’re defending people who basically are afraid of using adult terms like “testicular” and “breast” and “ovarian” and “prostate”…do you get the giggles, too, when people say breast?

  • rudy

    Given our heightened state of Political Correctness, anyone calling this “male cancer” would inevitably be criticized by f2m trannsexuals.


    Once again, Rugby players have incredible, balanced physiques.

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