Higher Ed

PHOTOS: Suspended Gay Porn Student John Gechter Won’t Sue School, If …

johngechter2randy_blue-vincent_desalvo_5_10299_2 … they’ll let him transfer his course credits to another school. “If [Grove City College] just lets me transfer credits and finish this situation quietly, [a lawsuit] is not something I’m going to pursue,” John Gechter says. “It’s not the best of all solutions, but it’s fair.” Gechter — the Thai, Sicilian, and Yugoslavian mix known to his Randy Blue fans as Vincent DeSalvo — was kicked out of the school after administrators found out about his gay porn career, which he says paid for his tuition to the Christian college. But if they let him pack up quietly and move on? He won’t take them to court. What about the threat of lawsuits against his fellow students? Gechter “had also planned to sue individual students for slander and defamation of character after receiving more than 150 of what he called ‘hate mails,'” reports Pennsylvania’s Sharon-Herald. “Gechter also said fruit was thrown at him in the cafeteria.” Heh. Fruit? Really? Anyhow, while you may have seen Gechter give it all up on amateur porn sites, did you know he also fancies himself a proper model? Allow us to share some of his glamor shots.

(Photos: Randy Blue, Jeff Cox, Photogoddess, Chris Maverick, Tony Gibble, Anthony Jager, Ron Reyes, Heather Takacs)

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  • rich

    Doesn’t this school also have a morals code against possessing pornographic material? And yet the school hasn’t taken any action against the student who was surfing porn sites when he found the videos of Gechter. I guess assault and harassment aren’t a violation of the schools brand of Christian values.

  • Alec

    No. 11, 13 & 18 are extremely disturbing to me.

    Anyway, I don’t see why they wouldn’t permit him to transfer his credits. I guess the real question would be whether another university would accept all of them (I think the cap is usually about 60 for transfer where the required number for graduation is 120).

    Better luck elsewhere, John.

  • Anthony in Nashville

    I think he leaked news about his porn career to the campus because he is capitalizing on this “scandal.”

    Doesn’t he have some high-profile porn appearances lined up?

    I suspect it won’t be long before his academic career isn’t mentioned anymore.


    I didn’t know they *wouldn’t* let you transfer your credits to another school when they kick you out. If you earned them, you should be able to keep them.

  • vernonvanderbilt

    @HYHYBT: They’re not only earned…they’re paid for. If you want to get technical, he owns those credits and the school would have no right to deny his right to transfer them to any school that would accept them.

  • Oh yeah!

    Finally an ass shot that I can sink my “ahem” into. Baby’s got back!

  • strumpetwindsock

    @Oh yeah!:
    sweet tooth, you mean?

  • alejandro

    #10+17 sooo hot! and i gotta agree with oh yea!

  • boytroy

    I have enjoyed watching him get that sweet ass plowed many times. He’s a real fuck puppy and one of my favorites on Randy Blue.

  • GranDiva

    A different news source indicates that he’s actually planning to move to New York and finish what few classes he has left there and transfer them back to Grove so he can get his diploma.

  • The Gay Numbers

    I still do not get this issue. Why did he attend this school again?

  • strumpetwindsock

    Because his career as an accountant was on the line, of course.

  • Oh yeah!

    @ strumpetwindsock: LOL! Yeah, my sweet tooth, among other things!

  • Nick

    I find Randy Blue videos boring. Too directed and overacted. And the sex is lame.

  • shelby84

    i’d sue… college is expensive

  • Chris

    The bloody candy photos….not hot. At all.

  • bobito

    That is one hell of a booty! Damn!

  • alan brickman

    he’s very hot and I’m sure we won’t let him forget it..morning goods anyone??

  • naprem

    @The Gay Numbers: Because he was pushed into it by conservative parents. Even he admits that the education he received there was exceptional.

  • Stamp


  • TANK

    pic 11 made me puke in my mouth a little bit.

  • TANK

    and then I saw 18…wtf…gonna yammy.

  • afrolito

    He should definitely sue every person who sent him hate mail on campus.

  • rellex

    @vernonvanderbilt: actually colleges can reserve the right to with-hold grades, if they are private. by that i mean ‘official’ transcripts, which are necessary to transfer credits/grades to another institution.

  • steveleong

    SUE… SUE… SUE… I am usually against lawsuits, as it only makes the lawyers rich. In this case, it’s the only option to battle the ongoing discrimination and hate being passed by these “holier than thou” religious institutions, who have caused so much pain and suffering to a group of people born differently.

    These Goliath churches have “obscene” amounts of money which they have harvested off their congregations. They build new buildings, schools, colleges…the latter of which seem to practice discrimination. So if the Gays (Davids) need to find a good weapon to handle these large thugs, I think a single good lawyer (who may be willing to do pro bono) would be a good suggestion. This is the one thing the huge “money filled” churches are worried about if we get full equality … AND THEY SHOULD!

    Steve Leong

  • Dr.Strogg

    He is hot, but the “razor pics” are seriously wtf.

  • Lou Bonetti

    He needs to persue a law suite for any type of discrimination!!!

  • TANK

    Hey, they already settled. This piece of trash can finish his degree elsewhere with equivalent transferable credit hours to what he’s accrued.

  • Andrew Triska

    @TANK: Why the vitriol? He’s just trying to get the degree he paid good money for. Since when is going to a Christian college (or doing porn to pay for it) a high crime?

  • TANK

    @Andrew Triska:

    what vitriol? Do you deny that he’s trashy? I’m just sayin’…ya know, being a porn star and being a piece of trash blowing in the wind are often not mutually exclusive.

  • Berrymeister

    I went to school with this guy, he always seemed a little different than other people at the school. Most people at this school are very conservative (and straight, of course.)

    I can’t really stick up for him though… we were all held to a code of conduct that he was aware of when he was admitted. When you violate the code of conduct the school has a right to punish you in a way they see fit. It should be noted that there was a sexual tape (straight) that was passed around campus some ~6 years ago that depicted four students engaged in sex. Those four students were expelled, which is worse than what John received. They do not have double standards for homosexuals, in fact they are much more lenient than other Christian schools I know of.

    I too hope the person who found this video is punished because it seems there was a violation there as well.

  • Berrymeister

    @steveleong: you are incorrect. Most of GCC’s money is from private contributions, i.e. alumni. They also do not accept government funding.

    As you can read in my above post, GCC treats all sexual conduct code violations (straight or gay) equally. In fact, John was punished much more lightly than other students who have been caught violating codes of conduct.

  • stephen

    It’s sad what happened to John BUT it was not a wise decision for him to work with Randy Blue and “gay photographers” while he was attending a conservative Christian college. I don’t blame the school for doing what they did. I am not supporting them but looking at the bigger picture, John was the one who made the unwise decision.

    Reminder to us all, once you have something out on the internet, EVERYONE will eventually see it.

  • Marc

    I totally agree with Stephen (post # 33).

    John wasn’t thinking of possible ramifications.

  • bob

    (from a grove city college student) the issue here isn’t him transferring elsewhere, what he wants (and is doing) is to take summer courses and transfer them back to grove city so that he can get his diploma without having to go back.


    From what I’ve read elsewhere:

    (1) John will be graduating with a GCC degree, by transferring credits from elsewhere (like BOB says). This is actually counter to the College’s policies, which say that the last 30 hours of credits in a major must be completed at GCC. They are going out of their way to suspend this rule for John’s sake.

    (2) Sue who for what? One could make a harrassment case for the e-mails – though not a particularly strong one. Defamation of character or slander only works if the accusations aren’t true. If the accusations are just “John was in gay porn”, then he has no case at all. And, he’s not really losing much of anything as far as the money he spent at the college is concerned – he’s losing no credits at all. Finally, as others note, if it is discrimination, it’s to his benefit, as straight students in a similar situation were expelled rather than “suspended, with an exception to school rules, so that credits from outside can transfer in for graduation purposes”.

  • Jon B

    He’s a “zero”- wants to be famous-blip on the radar screen. “nuff said.

  • Blaine

    I’d like the kick the so called “Chritian” student in the ass for ratting on him. Gee, that was a really nice Christian thing to do to a classmate. It’s none of anyone’s business what this kid does when he is off the sacred campus of GCC. Probably the snitch is some dumb ass getting a degree in Christian Thought who thinks she’s better than everyone and will contribute nothing to society except to be a nosey judgemental bitch. We could use a few molecular biologist in the world today to help find cures for diseases like cancer. To bad there isn’t a cure for the perfect people at Grove City College!

  • lih

    omg, what is this???? WHAT A BOY. THIS IS WHAT HOT MEANS. and what a feet! I’m going crazy seeing it.

  • Holden

    I do not believe that a student’s private life should have any bearing on his academic career. So what? He took or gave it up the ass the pay for tuition. I personally feel assraped every time I open my tuition bill.

    I would also throw in assault in the lawsuit since throwing fruit is assault. I do not know about what ever state he is in, in Texas, throwing fruit could fall under hate crime legislation.

  • Chris

    This makes me so mad! No way this is a fake for attention, he was set to graduate this year, and they were trying to yank him out of school. Honestly if he were a straight porn star the school probably would have just ignored it, its not like he was running around claiming himself as a porn star.

    This is just… leaves a person infuriated and hopeless. This is why I’d never go to a school of that type for Higher Education. Too much jeopardy in making your degree look bad (If the don’t accept certain things), too many politics not related to education.

    I hope the best for John

  • Rob Moore

    I think this series of photographs is more interesting than most of the Morning Goods. The pictures with the sprinkles and raspberry syrup were a little disturbing but amongst the most interesting and imaginative. I must admit, his mix of gene pools had quite a good outcome. I don’t mean to be flippant, well maybe a little, but he might have a mind for accounting but a body for sin. He has a rump to occupy nightly dreams.

  • jakco

    keren banget photonya, seksi dan menggairahkan
    kulit mulus dengan lekukan otot yang terlihat sangat atletis
    membuat pikiranku melayang kearahmu

    saya sangat menyukainya

  • Seth

    Gechter knew that he was in a Christian school with strict codes. He broke the rules and should pay the consequence. Simple as that.

  • dwndckd

    @ steveleong, as a graduate from a, ““holier than thou” religious institutions, who have caused so much pain and suffering to a group of people born differently.” I can say within hesitation that no one force this guy to go there! Of all the colleges and universities in America—this guy chose to attend a Private Christian (Conservative) College… Therefore, he is subject to the same treatment (i.e. rules, regulations) as any other student… BTW, to be honest— no one at private colleges go out of their way to “meddle” in anyone’s personal life. More bullshit happens at state and federal funded colleges and universities than private colleges… Bottom Line: If you don’t like the rules, take your ass somewhere else!

  • BryanUK

    What wonderfully erotic pictures. I love them all, good luck to you Tony.

  • mz.sam

    @ John Gechter: Best of luck finishing college and getting your degree. Your fellow students are behind you.

    @ Vincent DeSalvo: You are one f**king hot Power Bottom. Best of luck with your porn career…your Randy Blue fans have got your back!

  • Kenover

    Why would a gay porn performer go to a Christian college in the first place? There’s some serious disconnect in this dude’s life.

  • Teleny

    @vernonvanderbilt: schools do freeze records for a variety of reasons.

  • AlanZ

    Do t ya just love how Christian a “Christian” school acted!not to mention the students. But your all over Fox News I bet the second you threw them out for praying on TV or picketing a soldiers funeral

  • AlanZ

    I don’t know but there are a few comments here I’m finding really suspect. Nobody said he had to go there I believe was one. Really? And you went to school with him? And this is what he gets? F You!! Unless you know him personally and know what his options to pay for school were shut up! I guess the code of conduct says it’s ok to hurt people. To judge people. I think that those comments are by Trolls from that school.

  • michiganstateofmind

    I’m glad he got out the business. He had the looks lacking other things. He knew that. He’s a smart man. I’m glad he didn’t get sick or die of a heart attack or killing myself like some. I wish him the best.

  • crysjeff

    wau hermosas fotos

  • crysjeff


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