
Ever self-loathing gay political group the Log Cabin Republicans have rushed to the defense of a proposed Florida law that would bar teachers from discussing non-heterosexual sexual orientations or transgender people. The group has also attacked activist Chasten Buttigieg for a recent interview in which he denounced the bill.

Dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, the proposed law would bar teachers from “encouraging discussion” around gender identity or sexual orientation in primary schools. On January 26, Chasten Buttigieg, husband of Transporation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, appeared on CNN to denounce the bill, warning that it would endanger the lives of young, queer students.

“You’re essentially pushing kids back into the closet. You’re saying we can’t talk about you, we can’t even talk about your families,” Buttigieg said.

“I think this hurts kids,” he added. “This will hurt families and this isn’t about education or parents’ rights, I think it’s about using the LGBT community as a scapegoat, which we’ve been used as a scapegoat multiple times throughout history. And I just don’t agree with it.”

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Now the Log Cabin Republicans have rushed to the defense of the bill and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has endorsed it. The group claimed that Buttigieg purposely mislead viewers in his statement, asserting that the bill would limit discussion only among students Grade 3 or younger. The Log Cabin Republicans further called Buttigieg’s comments “negligent at best and propagandistic at its worst.”

“Contrary to Chasten Buttigieg’s LGBT fear-mongering and attempt for attention on CNN, Florida’s ‘Parental Rights in Education’ bill will not silence gay people. It certainly will not kill them. All it does is reinforce the commonsense belief that teacher-led classroom discussions around sexual and gender identity do not belong in primary schools,” Log Cabin President Charles Moran said in a statement. “Apparently Pete and Chasten Buttigieg are so far to the Left that they’re OK with Florida kindergarteners learning about gender fluidity and sexual preferences in the classroom.”

“Parents are free to discuss these issues with their children as they see fit, but that decision is up to the parents and not to agenda-driven Leftists like the Buttigiegs,” Moran added. “You can be gay and also believe that parents have a right to control their young children’s education, especially when it comes to sexual identity. Log Cabin Republicans won’t stand by while the Left engages in dishonest attempts to smear conservatives as bigots, as Chasten is unfortunately trying to do here.”

Of course, Moran fails to mention (or possibly realize) that sexual orientation is already taught to young children in schools. Every time a teacher mentions a married couple, childbirth, or falling in love, the comment subtly denotes sexual attraction. The proposed Florida bill would, however, limit discussion to heterosexual orientation, as well as cisgender gender identity.

The Log Cabin Republicans, despite being comprised of gay and lesbian people, have a long history of supporting anti-LGBTQ causes and candidates. The group endorsed Mitt Romney for President in 2012 despite his opposition to marriage equality. It also supported Donald Trump despite a platform calling for a constitutional amendment to end same-sex marriages, and opposition to transgender rights. The group also continued to support the Trump Administration despite a host of anti-queer policies. 

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