why not both

PHOTOS: 24 male celebs dripping in bisexuality

Bisexual celebrities can’t ever seem to win–they’re either criticized as too straight or too gay, and it often directly correlates with the gender of their current partner. It doesn’t work like that, kittens.

Imagine having to perpetually defend your sex life when you’re actually part of the ‘invisible majority’ in LGBTQ America. According to a Gallup poll, nearly three-fifths of queer adults in America identify as bisexual. Still, the community deals with an obscene amount of biphobia and erasure. 

It sometimes seems like the world would rather empower stars who wear the costumes of queerness rather than the individuals who bear it on their skin.

But never here. We know your identity doesn’t cease to exist just because it doesn’t come with a cowbell, and you can sleep with, date, and marry the opposite sex without losing your gay lust. Or vice versa.

The most effective agent of change is visibility, so we’d like to take a moment to thank the out and proud bisexual celebrities helping usher in a new era of representation, embracing desire as a gut instinct instead of a rule…


We love Diplo. He’s one of the coolest guys in music. But we never thought about wanting to have sex with Diplo until he came out on Emily Ratajkowski’s podcast as “not not gay” and has let dude(s) service him. Being the womanizer that he is, that surely means he is not not bisexual, and we’re ready to volunteer as tribute so he can have receipts.

We’re leaving the asterisk until then.

Billy Joe Armstrong

Green Day might’ve been responsible for millennial teenage angst; however, lead singer Billy Joe Armstrong was also a rare emblem of bisexuality in the 90s. In 1995, he told the Advocate, “I’ve always been bisexual. I mean, it’s something that I’ve always been interested in. I think people are born bisexual, and it’s just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of, ‘Oh, I can’t.'” Well, wake us up when this biphobia ends!

 Jason Mraz

Whether you’re a man or a woman, Jason Mraz could still be yours. He officially came out as bisexual in 2018, and in 2021 the Grammy winner reminded America any boy would be lucky to have him. He posted a TikTok of him rollerskating to the dubbed audio, “I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t want one. And if I wanted one, I can have four or five of them if I wanted.” OK, with an estimated $10-20 million net worth, he can have us, too.

Frank Ocean

Before becoming one of the biggest names in music, Frank Ocean penned a letter in 2012 on Tumblr (lol, we know) revealing his bisexuality, in this case, his love for a man. He wrote, “There was no escaping, no negotiating with the feeling, no choice. It was my first love, it changed my life.” Although Ocean himself avoids using labels, his music has celebrated and uplifted queerness.

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  • scotty


    • abfab

      Time for bed, scotty.

  • fab0497

    Lil Nax bi? Please…The last time he see a vagina it was when the mother gave birth to him

    For the rest, they are all boring as hell. Gay guys rules

  • [email protected]

    You are gay too who also attracted to women equally and that is the power of same sex attraction.

  • Louis

    Some of these I just don’t “buy” as being bi.

    That’s not intended to be bi-erasure, I for sure accept it exists and that people are it, and have no difficulty believing some on this list are bi.

    But there are some on the list where I just think; “Nothing you’ve presented to society has been indicative of bi”. And that’s not to see that if someone is bi they MUST flaunt their attraction to both genders in our face and “prove” themselves. It’s more just a commentary on how, when someone is open enough to announce their sexuality, they don’t then typically hide 50% of it. And some of these dudes have never displayed 50% of their preferences.

    And that goes for some who I suspect might be gay but saying they’re bi so as to not put off a demographic. And those who i suspect might be straight but say they’re bi to appeal to the ludicrously profitable LGBTQIA+ demographic.

    • Openminded

      ““Nothing you’ve presented to society has been indicative of bi””
      Why do you assume they owe it to present themselves to society? If I claim to like prime rib and lobster equally, does that mean I have to eat both every time I go to a restaurant to prove I’m not lying? I love the comment in the article that we are all born Bi and are taught/forced to choose a side. Many Bi people stay in a faithful relationship with a one sex partner for years or even decades, never interacting with the other sex. That doesn’t mean they don’t desire or are not attracted to the other sex, it just means they are faithful and happy where they are at the moment. Some will “switch teams” later on in life and be equally happy. Being Bi doesn’t mean you have to have sex with both genders on a regular basis. Kinda like not all gays are sexually active. You may not intend to make bi erasure comments, but in fact, you did.

  • abfab

    This list is incomplete. There’s no photo of decrans…..I wonder why.

    Raul Esparza in Company. BARCELONA!

    • Kangol2

      Decrans (JaredNorthcutt, etc.) made a serious personal choice that he came to regret and now blames on “liberalism.” It does not sound like this happened to him as a child (or minor), but as an adult. It also sounds like he did not have adequate psychological counseling, which probably would have helped him avoid making some of the choices he did.

      He also now cleaves to the GQP, even though that party and its ideology used to claim to be synonymous with “personal responsibility” and “personal choice” and “freedom.” (Most people here over the age of 35 can recall this being part of the Republicants’ mantras.) Blaming others for the choices you made was not part of the GOP playbook or ideology, but apparently that’s changed, as they’ve become the party of banning things, blaming everyone else, etc.

    • Donston

      I do feel like the “queer agenda” needs to focus less on identities and using people for politics, and more on promoting therapy, dealing with mental health struggles, coping with past traumas, self-misandry/self-misogyny, truly understanding gender/sexual fluidity and the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. Yet, you can’t keep blaming the world for all your issues and insecurities and decisions. Since that person started posting here, the main thing they expressed was blaming cis people and “gays” for all their struggles. That mindset is gonna lead to regret and poor decision making. It’s a constant cycle of finger pointing and looking for demos to place all your traumas on.

    • dbmcvey

      We shouldn’t assume decrans exists.

  • SDR94103

    a bunch of sill ass queens.

    • Kangol2

      So they have asses like “sill[s]”? Is that “windowsill” or “igneous rock” you’re referring to?

  • leecee

    The cynicism in some of these comments reek of bitterness and/or frustration. Smh…


    Lil Nas bisexual? i’ve heard him say he was a “power bottom”, but bi? no way!!!

    • Joshooeerr

      I think this article is meant to be about guys who “identify as bi”. As we all now now, you can identify as anything these days, even if it has zero relation to who you actually are or what you actually do.

    • Kangol2

      He’s “bicurious.” I would bet he likes the D but is curious about the P. More than a few folks are.

  • Donston

    It’s kinda strange to me how much male bi behaviors or fluidity or “curiosity” is still so fetishized by the media or used as clickbait, and honestly, this place contribute to it. At this point, having some dimensions or fluidity or being in the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum is fairly pedestrian, and most queers know this. We don’t have to keep putting out “bi easier” articles. That perspective and agenda is dated as hell.

    Also, it makes me a bit uncomfortable that most of this list is focused on dudes who aren’t even in their mid 20s yet. Leave these young ass dudes alone and let them live their life in peace. Also, also, almost half of those dudes listed are not bi identifying. And a few of those guys were trolling and/or attempting to use queerness to exploit and get money. As usual, this site just doesn’t care about being hypocritical, being problematic, promoting double standards, not fact checking, promoting exploitative and manipulative people.

  • Donston

    We also need to accept that choice is a part of orientation. People have their inherent attractions, desires, instincts, enjoyment, fluidity, preferences, wherever they inherently are in the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. But whatever identity you embrace or don’t is a choice. Ideally, who you sexually engage with is a choice. Who you have relationships with is a choice. Who you marry is a choice. We need to start getting comfortable with choice being an aspect of people’s makeup, instead of only focusing on inherent aspects. What you choose to do will always be a big part of how the world perceived you, and many people take advantage of that. Whatever your dimensions, we have autonomy, and not everything is about inherent aspects. This is something the “queer agenda” really needs to start understanding.

  • queerandsour

    these comments are disgusting. no one owes you proof of their identity and their identity is not yours to dissect.

    But Queerty… Shane Dawson? Really? Do some research, he’s a horrible man.

  • bachy

    Bisexuals are dismissed in a similar manner that Gay Versatiles are dismissed. People who are strictly “one-trick ponies” can’t fathom a pony that can do more than one trick.

    • Openminded

      Well said.

  • theaterbloke

    This article needed to be updated. Andy Mientus’ husband Michael Arden is now a Tony winning director for Parade. Regarding Francois Arnaud, the man has an incredible head of hair; it is criminal to have a photo of him sporting a buzz cut.

  • getfletch

    Excellent stuff Queerty. Keep it up. Let’s keep it as loud as we possibly can!!!

  • Saps48

    I don’t usually watch the show, but I think I will tune in to see Jason Mraz on the latest Dancing with the Stars

  • Mostlikelytobedownvoted

    “Dripping in bisexuality”. Dripping. Who wrote this? A fifteen year old girl for a school project? Dafuq?!!

  • cuteguy

    Kit Connor is a hero and is saving lives. He’s already a big star and his star will only shine brighter in the future.

    That American Idol guy is not bi. He’s as gay as Ricky Martin (just not as hot). Ricky was performing in a time that was much more homophobic than now. The American Idol guy needs to let go of his cult religion which is holding him back


    Jamie Valentino, if you ever want to be considered a legitimate journalist, you need to stop writings on edibles before posting this stuff, It’s ridiculous.

  • Huron132

    My view on all of this you do you. But don’t shit n everyone to use this as a way to get more people to love yourbrand. Lil Nas I’m not buying. Nico T I feel my have had his wild moments and uses BI as a tag. Dipilo and Ruben are the same it’s a tag. Billy Joe and Jason I’m sure they experienced due to fans. 100% I believe Kit as he is young and learning. The remaining men it’s their jobs that brought them to try. It cool thing and a story to tell. So all in all there are BI men out there, just be careful and accept it and believe it until you are proven wrong!

  • avesraggiana

    “Celebrities”?! Where? And to whom?

  • sterlings8

    Um, I identify as Bi, however, I haven’t been with a female in years. And, I actually sleep with one of these ‘Stars’. Guess who…

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